9Xtreme DJT Telemetry Wire Connections

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9Xtreme DJT Telemetry Wire Connections

Post by bob195558 »

9Xtreme DJT Telemetry Wire Connections

Connecting the two Telemetry wires from the 9Xtreme board to an external DJT module.
9Xtreme DJT Telemetry Rxd and Txd Wire Connections.
9Xtreme DJT Telemetry Rxd and Txd Wire Connections.
9Xtreme Telemetry RX TX Wires_b.jpg (149.29 KiB) Viewed 5247 times
White wire goes to external DJT module Rxd pin.
Black wire goes to external DJT module Txd pin.
9Xtreme external DJT Telemetry Rxd and Txd Wire Connections.
9Xtreme external DJT Telemetry Rxd and Txd Wire Connections.
The Black and White Telemetry wire which comes with your 9Xtreme board
are to short and should be increase in length by about 3 to 4 inches or so.
9Xtreme short Telemetry wire.
9Xtreme short Telemetry wire.
You may be able to use a Jst male to female cable to help make the 9Xtreme Telemetry cable longer.
Jst male 2 pin plug maybe be able to be used.
Jst male 2 pin plug maybe be able to be used.
Jst male 2 pin plug_a.jpg (53.32 KiB) Viewed 5247 times
For more 9Xtreme info see here: (viewtopic.php?f=95&t=7182).

Bob B.
Er9x on 9x radio, with Smartieparts Programmer and TelemetrEZ Board.
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Re: 9Xtreme DJT Telemetry Wire Connections

Post by HAILME123 »

Hello Bob.

Can you use RSSI with a compatible receiver in the connection you have shown (because it seems so simple, no soldering required :D )?

And I have heard that you use the metals tabs in the Tx compartment holder of the 9x and you can solder some wires in the DJT in order to use this tabs, so you don't have to drill a hole in the Tx. Please correct me if I am wrong if that is for something else.

Thanks again for posting this up. It was really good of you!!
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Re: 9Xtreme DJT Telemetry Wire Connections

Post by bob195558 »

Yes, you can do a mod to your DJT module and connect the 9Xtreme telemetry wires to pin 5 and pin 2 of your module bay.
I have not done this mod and have always chosen to have the telemetry wires through the back of the 9x case.

Other like João and/or Mike have a fuller understanding how to do this mod.
More info here: (viewtopic.php?f=95&t=3868&p=57121&hilit=#p57047) and (viewtopic.php?f=126&t=7820).
With this old smartieparts instructions the RX and TX wire colors are opposite to the 9Xtreme board,
but shows more info about doing the mod: (http://www.smartieparts.com/shop/index. ... page&id=21).

I suggest if one is looking to purchase a DJT module to instead purchase the XJT module because it will work as a DJT module if you want it to,
and is better when using the PXX protocol, you then only need to connect the Black TX telemetry wire to pin 5 of the module bay and then you are good to go, no need for telemetry wires through the back case.
This is the easiest way to connect your telemetry and have more options to use the X-series receivers with S.Port sensors too.
It cost a little more, but it's a good direction to move toward when you can. :)

Added August 26,2016:
MikeB wrote:You may wire the telemetry Tx signal from the DJT directly to the 9Xtreme (no inverter needed for the 9Xtreme).
The 9Xtreme has a 1K resistor in the telemetry signal to limit current flow and a clamp diode to handle the negative voltage from the RS232 signal from the DJT.
Assuming the black and white wires are plugged in to the rear of the DJT, this is correct.
With the black wire also connected to pin 5 (bottom pin) of the module connector, this would allow an XJT to be plugged in and work correctly as well.
Bob B.
Last edited by bob195558 on Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Er9x on 9x radio, with Smartieparts Programmer and TelemetrEZ Board.
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Re: 9Xtreme DJT Telemetry Wire Connections

Post by MikeB »

Go here: https://github.com/MikeBland/mbtx, then go to "FrSky Telemetry mods by Mike Blandford. ". This is a .pdf file that includes a description of how to modify the DJT to use the module connecting pins.

The two links Bob just posted provide some of the same information. Since I wrote the pdf file originally, I have suggested the addition of the schottky diode. This is not needed to use the modified DJT with the 9Xtreme, but is suggested should the modified DJT be used in a FrSky Taranis.

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