inconsistent dialog boxes on avrdude completion

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inconsistent dialog boxes on avrdude completion

Post by rperkins »

eepe has icons to read/write the firmware from/to the TX. Upon successfully completing a write command a dialog box pops up stating "AVRDUDE finished correctly". When completing a read command there is no dialog box following a successful read . While troubleshooting an idea this inconsistency left me wondering if I was reading correctly.

I'm thinking the dialog box should be consistent whether reading or writing. I believe this same inconsistency occurs on the eeprom read/write commands. Some may say that the dialog box should only pop up upon a failure and I could agree with that but dont know the code well enough to say.

dialog only shows when writing, not reading
avrdude_finished_correctly.png (10.55 KiB) Viewed 2884 times
small diff locating the code in question. If I should be posting this on let me know and I will copy it there. Thanks so much for your time developing open source software.

Code: Select all

Index: mainwindow.cpp
--- mainwindow.cpp	(revision 362)
+++ mainwindow.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@
         QStringList arguments;
         arguments << "-c" << programmer << "-p" << mcu << args << "-U" << str;
-        avrOutputDialog *ad = new avrOutputDialog(this, avrdudeLoc, arguments, "Read Flash From Tx");
+        avrOutputDialog *ad = new avrOutputDialog(this, avrdudeLoc, arguments, "Read Flash From Tx", AVR_DIALOG_SHOW_DONE);

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