
Electronic projects that are either related to the firmwares for the 9x, or simply great for radio control applications.
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Post by ShowMaster »

I was at a rained out ham radio/computer/and junk swap meet Saturday. One of the booths still open in the rain was selling programming hardware for a local robotics club. I bought a latest uno programmer from him and a kit with a large bag of parts, switches, LEDs, rotary encoder, IR led, and even two servos. It's a large bag of parts and a push board with a really nice connection push wire set. $50!
The club meets locally and offers free classes (donations accepted) on beginning programming and using all the stuff in the bag.
They have several branch off's of the club. One is robotics, the other is dedicated to quad building, programming, and indoor flying. One member is seems owns a large room they can use for fly in's.
It all sounds like a great group to get to know.
Pretty exciting. My first assignment is to program a led to blink! Watch out MikeB you may have competition in about 10 years or if I can make 2 LEDs blink sooner.

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Re: Arduino

Post by jhsa »

Catch me if you can, I'm moving to my second LED now.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Arduino

Post by ShowMaster »

I do have one board power question.
The UNO board has the jack for external power. I assume I want to use it to not load the USB computer buss?
I can use a powered hub most of the time but I'll probably pick up a wall wart ps cheap. What's a good voltage to use, 12V or lower? I guess 7V would be the lowest. The 5 v LDR has a 1.5v headroom limit I think.

About a 6 mo/ or a year ago forum members here or RCG posted some ATiny24 code for me to make my auto turnoff bench power timer. I bought the parts and but the 9x projects kept me busy. New year so I'm revisiting old unfinished projects. This one will fit in as a learning tool and I'll have a working timer in the end, right after I blink a led.

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Re: Arduino

Post by Kilrah »

No problem using USB. The DC in is useful if you want to use it without being attached to a computer, or if you need more than 500mA current.
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Re: Arduino

Post by ShowMaster »

Great on 500Ma.
My shop computer has a powered hub so I'm good there. I like to use my netbook a lot so I may use a ps to keep from damaging the USB port since I don't know if it's current limiting or fused on the mb somewhere.
I think I have some 12V switcher wall warts from failed equipment that are small.
Any Arduino Apps for my iPod touch?
A way to kill time in editing rooms.

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Re: Arduino

Post by gohsthb »

12V is a little too much for the arduino. The on board regulator doesn't have very good cooling. You will be better off with a 9V supply. You may have found this by now, but is the reference manual. The built in functions for Arduino are great and really simple to remember. However you will need to learn things on a lower level if you want them to work faster.
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Re: Arduino

Post by ShowMaster »

gohsthb wrote:12V is a little too much for the arduino. The on board regulator doesn't have very good cooling. You will be better off with a 9V supply. You may have found this by now, but is the reference manual. The built in functions for Arduino are great and really simple to remember. However you will need to learn things on a lower level if you want them to work faster.
Ok, 9v it is. I'm in luck because a swapped a bag of electronic leftovers with a friend Sunday and in the bag he gave me were powered PC computers. Both have their own aftermarket wall wart with voltage selection and are 500Ma ea. I'll steal one away and build a y cord to feed both speakers from one ps. Small speakers for my garage hobby computer so low volume/power is ok there.
I'll check the ripple and set one for 9v. Thanks for the heads up on using 9v.
My garage XP computer won't go into bios or boot up so my works cutout for me today. I have a spare mb and ram to swap if it comes to that.
7 yrs old and maybe it ran out of zeros and ones and I'll have to put some new ones back in? Maybe XP ran out ha ha.

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