
Electronic projects that are either related to the firmwares for the 9x, or simply great for radio control applications.
Irish Steve
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Re: Halcyon

Post by Irish Steve »

Rob, appreciate that, I'm just thinking aloud, if there's not too much response, then I suppose the best plan will be to try and have ports on the board that people like me can hang other external devices on to. If we had one port like a USB in concept that can work with an external drive or a hub that can take a number of devices, that would cover a lot of options, then we just build mini boards for whatever device we want to hang on or off the port, and let either the main processor or a slave processor sort it all out.

More years than I care to admit to ago, :mrgreen: we had a device on the PC that was probably the forerunner of the Arduino (the builder always scraped the chip ID off) which then had an external connect to a whole range of boards, for things like 7 segment displays, rotary controls, switches, single point digital outputs for things like lights, or solenoids, and eventually even low power stepper motors, the board had it's own programming language, and was then able to communicate with the PC via normal programming and also via the game port concept, it gave us up to 16 analog channels that we could use compared to the normal 4 of a game port. This was all pre USB, pre PCI even, a good old fashioned ISA card, and one of the things that killed it was when the motherboards no longer had the slot to take it. The same concept for extensions could work here as well.

As I've commented to someone else today, the only difference between the cutting edge and the bleeding edge is the pressure applied . :evil:
Some of the things I'm looking at are a cross over to the sort of work that's being done with Ardupilot, and we're already on the fringes of that, the advantage here is that the ERSky board has the potential to be able to deal with some of this, while the Stock board is close to its limits, so I guess I'm looking at ways to make the ERsky board even more attractive, which has to be in all of our interests, in that it will ensure ongoing support and availability for the future.
Irish Steve

If it was easy, shure, would't we all be doin it?


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Re: Halcyon

Post by MaximK73 »

Hi guys! Hi Steve!

Can i insert my 2 pence :-)

Halcyon project was introduced as smallest and cheapest Fr-Sky HUB replacement....

this way my targets are:
1) as small as possible ( because i and probably some other people wants to fit it into models with very limited space inside
2) cheap
3) extensible (better if without any hub!) by chaining from one device to another one

so, current Halcyon project fits all this, but unfortunately unfinished yet, i have been very busy and still some health problems :-(

In case as Steve introduced we getting on with big PCB again and we have solution like this - FrSky HUB.

Thanks Cam! he found interesting bug in hardware which one i have not noticed....
Cam has done very big work to convert my sources to open software format! very appreciated!!!

At this moment i think Halcyon project need to stay on the way as now...

This is my thoughts :-)

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Re: Halcyon

Post by SkyNorth »

Ok, Max , I will leave your design alone.

I will start a new Post. Good luck on your project.

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Re: Halcyon

Post by lacion »

hello guys, i been reading the schematic of the project and about the protocol, and i have a small question.

i'm going to start working on this as soon as i get back home, and i was wondering if is it posible to send custom data from the hub to the receiver?

i would like to add some extra sensors like a 3axis accelerometer
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Re: Halcyon

Post by ReSt »

The FrSky sensor hub supports
Fuel, GPS, Vario, Volt, Temp1, Temp2, RPM and Acc.

As far as I know, all these sensors are already available.


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Re: Halcyon

Post by Kilrah »

Here's the hub data protocol:
http://www.frsky-rc.com/uploadfile/2012 ... 905895.pdf

The 9x custom firmwares will parse/display all of these, so if your additions can be made to reuse the same fields in the same format there won't be a problem. If you need more you'll have to code the receiving end too.
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Re: Halcyon

Post by lacion »

Kilrah wrote:Here's the hub data protocol:
http://www.frsky-rc.com/uploadfile/2012 ... 905895.pdf

The 9x custom firmwares will parse/display all of these, so if your additions can be made to reuse the same fields in the same format there won't be a problem. If you need more you'll have to code the receiving end too.
oh great!

i have no interest in having telemetry in my controller, i just want to attach a small arduino to read telemetry and output it via BT to a PC/tablet/phone to act as a telemetry alarm/flight recorder.

this will also going to be used with a custom arduino hub (halcyon) with the following sensors

GPS / http://www.adafruit.com/products/746
Current / http://www.pololu.com/wishlist/1J4241
Baro|Temp|Alti / http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1646
IMU 3axis Acc|Gyro|Compass / http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1268
Custom Temp sensors for servos + motor

i'm also thinking on passing the Rx signal to the arduino to log the received data to have a more complete flight log.

i'm still looking for a good way to have an RPM reading.

i'm also thinking on adding a basic weather station to the ground station that will be recording all of this data.

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