IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by ShowMaster »

Will do as soon as the coffee kicks in.
Can I assume that because the flash from the pro sd card worked after invert com set to yes, that your bootloader or some bootloader attempt, is loaded now?
If so I can focus on why my fw flash attempts are not happening. Then redo it all once progress is made.

Ok, boot0 jumper on, use flash loader demo to download what ever is loaded using my ftdi board connected to the modules tx-rx, rx-tx and ground. The module installed in the pro for power with the module bay set to external on.
Zip and post it.

Zip and post my config.h file. Since this all started because I wanted the ch order to be TAER in the ppm mode, I’ll post that _config.h file as I hope to eventually use it. I can however, load any file you feel is correct to get the module working as it did when new to verify it’s not damaged.

Also I’ll post what the LEDs are doing.

I listed all this so that we’re on the same to do list in case I missed something.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by ShowMaster »

Here's a start. I believe I've read my module with Flash Loader correctly. No complaints from it while doing it.
I can't remember now if the loaded one had the ch order changed to TAER or was as a test, the original AETR? I'm also posting the _config.h file I want to use with the ch order TAER. I added the TAER to the file name but it wasn't there when I did a verify and compile in the IDE pgm for flashing.
The LED action I'll post next.
What I'm trying to use
(6.88 KiB) Downloaded 498 times
4in1P sunday
From my 4in1 using Flash Loader
(82.5 KiB) Downloaded 491 times
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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by MikeB »

Your _config.h file looks OK.
From a quick look, your flash image also looks OK, the bootloader is present and there is also the main application present.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by ShowMaster »

Wow, that’s great!
So what’s going on is a mystery still?
My pro tx battery went low 8.8v (nimh) so I’m charging it for awhile.
That wasn’t the case when all the flashing and prior testing was going on.
So to repeat myself again and why I’m frustrated, is when I received the module, I was able to hold in the back button for 3 seconds while powering on and (pos0), and change the mode from ppm 1-15 or 16- xx. I could also select pos 6 for dsmx-22 ppm.

Then change it to serial mode at pos0 also.
That’s not happening now? That’s also why I’m questing the multiprotocol.ino and config file provided from GitHub?

What would be the answer is for another 4in1 plus owner to post their success and help with this since you don’t have this module Mike?

If this becomes a real puzzler,
I’m serous about getting you one as this is a learning event for me and the teacher may need the same tools!

Also since this is a universal module with ppm/serial and onboard usb flashing but it needs a bootloader. Your dual bootloader would be very universal if it’s working.

My donation to the diy’ers.

Ok, led operations next but may be delayed.
I’m going to try this module in my pcm10 ppm only it did work in, and my pro in multi mode as well again.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

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LED action in my JRpcm10 PPM mode at power on
Switch in pos0
the red led flashed about 5 times and then goes out and the green one light solid. This is where if working, holding in the button for 3 seconds at pos0, one can change the protocol selection mode from 0-15 to 16-3.
Holding the button in doesn't, but releasing it or never pushing it, it goes to the green led.

Selecting pos 8, dsmx-22 and turning on, the red led flashes, then goes solid red, no green. Trying a Bind to my dsmx-22 receiver, it does not bind.
Selecting pos7, dsm2-22 and turning on, the led flashed and then goes dark, same if holding the bind button at turn on.

Module in pro
Setting is module sw at position0, pro is Multi dsmx-22.
power on red led flashes 5ish times and goes dark, green led comes on solid.
No numbers displayed to the right of the menu bind option I think you asked for also( a lot going on).

question, being this has I believe the MikB dual boot bootloader, should I try a dedicated original flash from tx one included in the folder?
Or is bootloader loaded ok to troubleshoot the actual multi fw issue of what happened that the multi fw isn't doing what it seems to show it should?
one key note I'll repeat, is I never connected the FTDI vcc or the modules vcc, to anything. I always powered the module in it's bottom case half inserted into my pro. I'm counting on me NOT damaging the module. I've been very careful on this one since the orange one.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by MikeB »

From your _config.h file, you have the following to select using the dial (0 for serial):
1 FLYSKY, Flysky
2 HUBSAN, H107
4 HISKY , Hisky
5 V2X2
6 DSM , DSMX_11
7 DSM , DSM2_22
8 YD717 , YD717
11 SLT
12 CX10 , CX10_BLUE
13 CG023 , CG023

so you don't have DSMX_22 on the dial.
Try changing the DSMX_11 to DSMX_22 in your _config.h for dial position 6, then rebuild and flash again.

With the bootloader, and the dial at 0 (serial), pressing the button at power on tells the bootloader to stay running.

Check in the Telemetry menu that the "Usr Proto" is "FrSky", the COM Port is 1 and "Invert COM Port" is set to "None".
Then check for the numbers beside the BIND option.

Also, from the main display, go UP LONG, LEFT about 5 times to get to the "DEBUG" display. On the bottom line is "TelRxCount". It telemetry data is arriving then the first number on the bottom line should be counting.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by ShowMaster »

weird? I'm posting the module docs that say dsmx-22 is pos 8, so something's different with this fw right off I missed?
This HK R615x receiver can also do dsm2-22 and from your info that's position 7. Trying it no luck.
I've got to stop for a few hours and it'll give you a rest. I'll review this again later. I'm thinking more's going on than a my attempts?
I also checked
"Check in the Telemetry menu that the "Usr Proto" is "FrSky", the COM Port is 1 and "Invert COM Port" is set to "None".
Then check for the numbers beside the BIND option." no numbers
I tried this in position 0 and position 7. still won't bind.
I'll do a recompile tonight and try again but the dial numbers are wrong and I cant force a ppm mode change from 1-5 to 16-31?
4IN1+ Mode Sw Settings.jpg
4IN1+ Sel Sw Settings.jpg
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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by MikeB »

For information, the Multiprotocol firmware doesn't "know" about the second LED showing whether the dial is selection 1-15 or 16-30, nor does it have the feature of selecting 16-30 using the button.

Don't forget to look at the TelRxCount data in the DEBUG menu.

_config.h contains the preset values for the protocols on the dial, see:

Code: Select all

const PPM_Parameters PPM_prot[15]=	{
//	Dial	Protocol 		Sub protocol	RX_Num	Power		Auto Bind		Option
/*	1	*/	{MODE_FLYSKY,	Flysky		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	2	*/	{MODE_HUBSAN,	H107		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	3	*/	{MODE_FRSKYD,	0			,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	40		},	// option=fine freq tuning
/*	4	*/	{MODE_HISKY	,	Hisky		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	5	*/	{MODE_V2X2	,	0			,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	6	*/	{MODE_DSM	,	DSMX_11		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	6		},	// option=number of channels
/*	7	*/	{MODE_DSM	,	DSM2_22		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	6		},
/*	8	*/	{MODE_YD717	,	YD717		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	9	*/	{MODE_KN	,	WLTOYS		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	10	*/	{MODE_SYMAX	,	SYMAX		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	11	*/	{MODE_SLT	,	0			,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	12	*/	{MODE_CX10	,	CX10_BLUE	,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	13	*/	{MODE_CG023	,	CG023		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	14	*/	{MODE_BAYANG,	BAYANG		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		},
/*	15	*/	{MODE_SYMAX	,	SYMAX5C		,	0	,	P_HIGH	,	NO_AUTOBIND	,	0		}
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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by MikeB »

We don't, as far as I know, have the information as to which pin of the processor is used to control the green LED on this module.
Should you feel like opening the case and trying to locate this pin using an ohmmeter, it might be useful in the future. From images of the module, it looks to me that both LEDs are connected to a resistor, and the resistor then connects to a processor pin, but the tracking isn't visible.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by ShowMaster »

I’m open to anything as it’s now a learning project.
From what you’re saying it seems like this the GitHub multi fw is not the one for this module but another one with a dial?

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by MikeB »

What appears to have happened is this module has been made, then the existing firmware from Github for the multiprotocol module has been changed a bit to add this feature of using the dial for two sets of protocols. Given the Multiprotocol firmware is released under GPLv3, the manufacturer should have published the revised firmware (and maybe even provided a "donation" to the writer), so we can see the changes that have been done.

I've learnt that the green LED is connected to pin12 (port A bit 2) of the processor. So we may be able to get that in use.

Having flashed the module with "real" Multiprotocol firmware, forget about the document showing the default protocols.
The ones you get are defined in the _config.h file, I included the code a couple of posts above.

If you want DSMX-22 on position 8, then change the line in _config.h :
/* 8 */ {MODE_YD717, YD717, 0, P_HIGH, NO_AUTOBIND, 0 },
/* 8 */ {MODE_DSM, DSMX_22, 0, P_HIGH, NO_AUTOBIND, 6 }, // option=number of channels
then compile the firmware and flash it to the module.

I definitely need to know what is happening to the TelRxCount data in the DEBUG menu.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by ShowMaster »

Making more sense every time you post Mike. I’m not really dependent on the original and was more interested in the ppm mode for my pcm10 TAER tx as a test and learning module reprogramming.

If I were to buy a new one or if you had a new one, could the code be extracted and used as a master?
Would it be readable by me with any programs that put back the comments or when the compile is done are these stripped. Obviously I’m missing this knowledge and google can only answer so much.

I’m open to reading any good beginners books on this.
Ok, here’s the debug screen and the green led is on sw in pos0, green led on.

FYI, early on I tried a usb flash and in my post I was able to bind in serial mode from my pro but not from my Qx7. The non Plus 4in1 I have could in both tx’s without any multi changes.
That option is gone after trying your dual bootloader and several fw flash attempts.
Maybe starting over via a step by step list would help with the troubleshooting?

Also, I’m concerned about the weight of the back cover and antenna being too hard on the ipx connector and will break at some point of all this.
I have replacement ipx whisker antennas for my Frsky receivers, maybe use one of this while testing?

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by MikeB »

Is the first number on the TelRxCount line (0022) changing?

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by ShowMaster »

Not changing, changes every time I look at the menu.
0019 now.
Sw pos0, Multi, green led on.
Telemetry Frsky imp
Com1 invert none.
No numbers to the right of bind.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

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Bootloader question Mike.
If the usb or flash from tx bootloader provided in the GitHub multiprotocol zip file were loaded, would they work. The videos out there show flashing this module (bootloader only) to activate the USB port option. They show using IDE but I do like the flash loader way better.
I ask because for now, your dual bootloader is too new to know about, so I’m sure most will use the GitHub ones.
Funny thing is if I’m correct, is even with the usb option working, what can the non experienced coder do with it if the posted multi fw isn’t for this module?
I’ve found no posts via google showing anyone doing any fw mods or actually using the usb option for anything?
Just loading the usb bootloader and the videos end?

Ok, I don’t want to get your too far off of what’s important now Mike and anyone can comment on my thinking.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by MikeB »

As I understand it, when the firmware is running, if you plug the USB in to your PC, then you should get a COM port appear on the PC.
If you do, then connecting a terminal program to it should get debug/status messages displayed.
If that is working, then we may be able to add some extra debug to find out what is happening.

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IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

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Family issues came up and I’ll be away most of the day. I’ll give this usb option a try first chance tonight.

It would seem that if IRangeX shared the source code this would be a simple situation and we could move on.
I’m accepting the fact that this may be taking more time than we should spend on it. Knowing I didn’t actually do anything wrong based on what was discovered, puts my mind at ease.
I can shelve it while waiting for someone locally to buy this exact module and if I read you answers correctly, I could download the s19 file from a working one, and load it into mine to fix it Stock again?
I’m not bailing, I just don’t want to tax you trying to help me with “their” lack of posting their source code.

I’ll segway here to another project your working on.
I installed the oem Frsky Bt board in my 2ea Qx7’s, not s versions. Thinking otx 2.2.1 would support Bt, I discovered no, not if it’s a x7?
I see on another thread/forum, where you’ve added the hc-05/06 modules and have them working in ersky9x.
I want to test my Bt install and would loading ersky9x into the Qx7’s allow me to turn on and test the Bt install?
I think you’ve posted that the these Frsky Bt boards don’t support the data speeds well.
My thinking is, I’m open to testing this and Qx7s owners may want to switch to ersky9x.
In any case, this thread isn’t the one for this discussion so I just need a link to one that is.

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IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

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I hope this answers the question I didn’t answer earlier Mike.

I connected the 4in1+ to usb with I believe has your bootloader in it(can start over, too many distractions)
and I see it in device manager as
Maple Serial (com15)
Also when I plugged in the usb, the red led came on, flashed rapidly 3-5 times, went out and the green led cane on solid.

I know you asked for the info on dfu mode and not being sure, I tried usb with the Boot(0) jumper on and a unknown device showed up in manager.
Tried it again with the jumper off and it showed maple serial again com15, green led after the red flashed.

At this point I’m not attempting any flashing to not lose ground.
At any time when you have time I can start over if it helps.
You mentioned running a Debug. I hope this is posable with this result posted.

Trying to be educated.
I looked up DFU mode because I need the term education.
Device Firmware Update (DFU)
Hopefully seeing the device as a Maple Serial on com 15 is good.
I’ll be waiting for your opinion eagerly.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by MikeB »

With the module operating, and then the USB connected, to get your COM15 available, please try running a terminal program connected to COM15 and see if you get any text displayed.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by ShowMaster »

W7 doesn’t have hyperterm anymore so I tried Putty.
The 4in1 shows up as com15 maple serial.
Setting putty as serial com15, it would not connect or leave the config page.
I tried several baud rates 9600 115200.

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IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

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In case anyone’s following my progress. Mainly for those like myself that struggle but with great help form others, are able to sort it all out.

Thanks to MikeB’s patience, it’s all coming together. I’m sure he’s pleased!
Loading the usb bootloader seemed to go ok after giving it another try with my ftdi board as Mike suggested.
Then with some pointers on what the multiprotocol _config.h file was telling me, I finally was able to modify and use it. It’s commented but I had to learn to understand what it’s telling me.
So flashing the usb bootloader did allow me via the modules usb connector, to flash pascallanger’s posted multiprotocol fw. However, since the supplied config isn’t modified to the 4in1 plus selector and ppm settings, I have to use the posted setting for using ppm and serial options.
That works!
Next and still missing, is the actual config file IRangeX generated to support their module and supplied manual settings.
As time permits I’m going to attempt to make a config file that will match IRangeX’s for this plus module. I am however hoping they or someone posts it first. So far all requests to IRangeX have gone unanswered.
This started by me wanting to change the module ch order to TAER.
That I’ve now changed to TAER.
For now I can use the serial mode again and ppm mode for Frsky and Dsm2 and dsmx -22 ms. Just not like it was delivered.

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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by andrewfl290 »

I have the IRX 4 in the back of my Horus, it works seamlessly which suits me but I also have a JR PCM9XII that is worth more to me to keep rather than sell and to use it with my indoor models.

I too went down the route of getting the Plus module some months ago and followed the instructions on Github for the STM32 as I needed to change the channel order to suit the UMX models. Do what I might I just couldn't get the bootloader to work. I suspected the Maple USB drivers because the install didn't open the installation wizard but I am at the limit of my knowledge here.

Thankfully I found this thread a week ago, went through it all, checked my settings but still no joy until I visited the link that Mike posted for STMicroelectronics and downloaded the driver. Instant success. I have no idea why the drivers from the Multiprotocol project didn't load correctly but I would like to thank Showmaster for starting this thread and Mike for sowing his wisdom, Thank you guys.
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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by skate927 »

Hi do you know how to set up Spectrum SAFE technology with the taranis, through the IRange X multi module? I want to fly my Blade 230s with my taranis and I need the panic button to calibrate it?
\Any pointers or now where to get information on how to set up the blade helis? I need to set up a panic button to adjust the gain and get the rx into calibration mode
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IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by Daedalus66 »

I have successfully constructed a Blade 230S v2 model for the Taranis X9D and flight tested it. I intend to write it up, but for now feel free to contact me via PM if you need information.
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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by Ciril0e »

My irangex4+ keeps reading as a dfu device and not a com port usb i don know what to do.
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Re: IRangeX 4in1 Plus fw flashing.

Post by OctavioS »

Never managed to flash it via usb, no matter what i tried. Had to flash it via arduino ide with an ftdi.
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