eepe questions

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eepe questions

Post by Oshb5ems »

Hi All

I have a couple of questions about the eepe program I have the USBASP and have loaded the driver into the laptop running XP. and also downloaded and got the eepc running. however I have the following PDF "Flashing the 9x-2" showing the start to finish . That is from actually getting the s/w soldering the programmer to flashing the unit. However I think it shows a earlier version of eepc So dont want to take much notice of this..

Iv soldered the usbasp plus checked the connections plenty of times and then more LOL It seams to be working OK. Iv plugged the radio into the laptop and the main LCD of the radio comes on fine.(Eurgle 9X) Iv downloaded the eprom and firmware and one takes a lot longer to d/l than the other like it says in the text. so that sounds ok. Iv saved them in both formats bin and hex. What i wanted to know is is there anyway to find out what iv d/l from the radio is correct without uploading anything Just to make sure the programmer is working correct.

The next thing is I have the er9x firmware from here """" and is in hex. I try and read it with eepe and all it seams to do is want to write it to the radio. Is this correct?.. If so as I have the er9x firmware as above which eprom do I use please?.
I just wanted some way so I can compare the firmware i d/l from the Eurgale to the new er9x just to make sure the usbasp was working if you know what I mean as I did not want to brick it LOL.
Or as the LCD is lit and it seams to d/l the eprom and the firmware ok should I just give it a go and try and flash it ? "scared "

And finally Iv seen on the programme there is a "SIMULATE" button which is greyed out and iv seen reference to it working in one of the eepe guides iv seen somewhere but I for some reason cannot get it up and running. Can anyone shed any light on getting this working please. Either a later version of eepe or extra things I need software wise in the laptop?

Many thanks

All the best Os

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Re: eepe questions

Post by ShowMaster »

( I'm assuming you haven't done and telemetry mods yet, stock 9x) if you select er9x in eepe preferences drop down under file and download you'll get the latest version of er9x.
Next click the orange drop and tell eepe to flash the firmware you just downloaded to your TX and wait for it to finish.
After that unplug your programmer and turn on your 9x. You'll get a memory error but ignore it and as it says "hit the + or _ button and the firmware will finish installing in the 9x. You then can power the 9x off, reconnect the usb programmer and click on the left side top green arrow to download your memories. In your case they are empty so you'll get #1 Model 1 and nothing for the rest. You can then double click on Model 1 and the first tab that pops up you can add your name. Next write that back using the left side top upload button.
It should write this to your 9x and when you turn it on again you should see your name on the splash screen. USB programmer disconnected!

Now that you have a model#1 showing up in the memory you can click on it and then select simulate and the simulator will show up. It uses the mouse and is not controlled by the 9x sticks as some think. The sim will be grayed out until a model memory is downloaded and selected to simulate.

As for doing this or not? You can't and don't want to go back and if your connections are correct it should all work for you. The original FW is in a different format and I'm not sure you can download or look at it or the memories with eepe, never tried.
Others will help you if you want a second opinion on my info but it's close enough to go for it. It scared us all the first time. Also ignore and warnings or beeps until after you flash er9x. You may also get a switch warning but that just means your switches and throttle stick are not in the correct position as a safety option.
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Re: eepe questions

Post by Oshb5ems »

Thanks for Reply Its now upgraded to the stock er9x thanks all loks well and it seams to be working fine Iv just got to sort out what does what and where everything is now..

Iv also got the bits for the speaker and vibration mod so that is next. then going to look at the telemetry mod and see whats involved in that. Its great to have another bit of tech to tinker with rather than just the quad-copter Its another side of the hobby

Thanks Os

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