Good Radio,Poor Understanding

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Good Radio,Poor Understanding

Post by saksrd »

Hello all,I purchased a taranis plu X9D .I have been trying to get it to bind with the x8r receiver that came with it for weeks and I am very shamely and sorry to say ,I have, while trying on my own to set it up .I have really screwed it up .It all started when I couldn't get it to bind with the receiver. I need help in almost every aspect,I don't know how and if It has the proper firm ware installed.If someone has experienced this problem before would you be kind enough to steer me in the direction of getting back to a solution..... THANKYOU

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Re: Good Radio,Poor Understanding

Post by PoppyAnn »

first off have you got your radio set up in the correct mode D8,D16,LR12 you must have the internal module set to the same protocal as you want to bind your receiver to or you will never get it to bind, to do this :-

1. turn on the transmitter.
2. then short press of menu button which should take you to the model setup page.
3. then go down until you see Internal RF and below that you have to set either D8,d16 or LR12 (stick with D16)
4. then go down to receiver number and click bind
5. go to receiver and power it on (with nothing connected except the power) holding down the F/S button once it has bin bound the led should go to green.
6. turn off receiver then click on bind again on the transmitter to take it out of bind mode turn off the transmitter and that is it.

Hope this helps.

Regards Poppy Ann.
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