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ER9X and New Manual

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:13 pm
by lostcity
I have downloaded and even printed the new manual by joao. Excellent written guide to using the mixer. I have run into a bit of confusion. I have been using ER9X on my 9X with the smartieparts board for the past year. Recently one of my planes has a throttle issue. I looked in the manual for some help and noticed that the version of ER9X does not have template entry on the mixer page that is indicated in the manual. I am using V 2432 Mike r816. Is there a version of ER9X that I am missing?

Thanks for all the hard work

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:24 pm
by jhsa
The manual says on page 38:
The Templates menu is found at the bottom of the list of channels in the Edit Mix menu (most quickly
reached by pressing [UP] from the CH1 entry). It is also accessible as a separate menu item within
the Model Setup menu, except in the telemetry version of Er9x for the ATmega64 processor (Er9x-frsky.hex), which does not include templates.
Also on page 49 at the top;
Templates are not available in the telemetry version of Er9x for the
ATmega64 processor (Er9x-frsky.hex).
Does it answer your question? Does your radio have the telemetry mod and obviously uses the frsky version of er9x, and you have still the original atmega64 processor on it? :)

Then templates are not available for your setup :)


EDIT: Little correction, the manual was written by me and Nigel.. Why do you think it is written in good English? Nigel of course.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:31 pm
by Daedalus66
It sounds as though you may be looking for T-Cut. If so, just follow the advice on page 49 and go to Safety switches on pages 51 and 52. This is the new way to do it and much better than the method used in the older templates.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:04 pm
by lostcity
Am looking at my 9X and not template entry. I am using the Orange DSM2/X module No telemetry
I wiill try re flashing it and see if that helps


BTW, i thought the manual was very well written and the best written explanation of using a mixer. It is right up there with Richard Mrazek's youtube tutorial

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:03 pm
by lostcity
Older versions of ER9X had templates in the mix menu as I recall. Lots of issues here as I dig into this. I have to have the throttle set in reverse (in Contorls pg18) to get normal throttle movement. Hmmm.

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:13 pm
by jhsa
lostcity wrote:Older versions of ER9X had templates in the mix menu as I recall.
Telemetry versions of er9x for the atmega64 chip (original chip) don't have templates since a long while. The non telemetry version of er9x for the atmega64 chip, still has the templates
Lots of issues here as I dig into this. I have to have the throttle set in reverse (in Contorls pg18) to get normal throttle movement. Hmmm.
That is weird. Can you please post your eeprom here?
Also, did you install any other gimbals in the radio, like the Taranis radio gimbals?

But the easiest is that you please post your eeprom here so we see what is wrong..
You shouldn't have to reverse the throttle to have normal throttle operation..


Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:53 am
by lostcity
Ok have uploaded my last eepe file

ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:53 am
by Daedalus66
lostcity wrote:I have to have the throttle set in reverse (in Contorls pg18) to get normal throttle movement. Hmmm.
Are you sure you haven't set throttle reverse in the Model Setup section as well as in Radio Setup. You can do throttle reverse both places -- i.e., on either an individual model basis or globally. They interact, so if you inadvertently set one you might then mistakenly use the other to cancel it.

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:39 am
by lostcity
I will take a look again

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:05 pm
by MikeB
You have the left vertical stick reversed.
In the radio controls menu, go down until a rectangle appears around the four imags of the sticks. You will see one of them is highlighted. Press the left button until none of them is highlighted. This will set the sticks back to normal.

It is worth doing a stick calibration after changing this.


Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:32 pm
by Daedalus66
The hazards of too many choices! Maybe we need a "service menu" for such rarely needed options, only accessible after you go through a series of strange switch settings and stick motions. ;)

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:39 pm
by MikeB
Ideally, this should be in the hardware menu. I hadn't moved this as I felt the stick mode setting belonged in "controls", and, for the M64, it would use up flash space we don't really have.

So, I've slipped in the same as the stick mode. You HAVE to be in editing mode to change the stick reverse settings.
So, get the rectangle around the stick images. Left and right have NO effect. Press MENU to enter editing mode, the rectangle flashes, now left and right change the settings. Press MENU again to leave editing.
Simple, but quite effective and uses only a small aount of flash.


Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:18 pm
by jhsa
I didn't realize this wasn't in the hardware menu :o
I think that is a must independently of how much flash it uses.. Or we will see more of this situation happening.. And the stick reversed by mistake has been happening quite often.

I saw a gas plane being started full power last week at my field.. The mistake wasn't the same, but could very well have been. You reverse the stick by mistake and this can happen.. People around were very lucky that the plane buried it's nose on the ground and nowhere else.

Maybe this and all the hardware related settings should be removed from the radio and handled only by eepe/eepskye.. You only change this setting once. Then the stick mode can stay in controls because it could be changed at the field if someone else flies with the radio.

Or then, as Nigel suggests above. The hardware menu should be hidden and only could be seen after some switches were in a certain position when in the model setup index menu. the hardware menu wouldn't be listed there, but it would be immediately entered when the right switch combination is set.

I think this is an important safety matter and it should be very carefully addressed.

Just my 2 cents


Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:48 pm
by ReSt
It would be a step backward if the radio was configurable only with a computer.


Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:23 pm
by jhsa
It's not the radio. It's only the stuff that is configured only once due to hardware changes. Stuff that from that moment on will have to be that way for that radio, or it won't work. Stuff that doesn't affect programming at all except to make your plane crash if handled by mistake.. ideally it should be possible to hard code those settings in the radio itself. Of course that is not possible. Those settings are not to be changed once they match the hardware. I don't thing it would be a step backwards. I think it would be a huge step towards safety.
How many times does a normal user change hardware settings? None. Unless he adds hardware or changes it. And that is done ONCE for that hardware and it stays like that. If not removed, then at least hidden. Also eepe/eepskye should have profiles for each radio. These settings should also be hidden (out of sight) in eepe/eepskye.


Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:53 am
by lostcity
Thanks Mike that fixed it. The stick got reversed when I was moving the modes around to accommodate the Anylink2 need for mode 4. I have since used the mixer for that which is better. The sticks must have gotten reversed in the process.

Thanks to all

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:05 am
by jhsa
I think in general people don't know the difference between stick mode and channel order. They are completely different beasts. That's why we (me and Nigel) took our time to try to explain it well on the manual. And I think we did.
Stick mode has to do with which physical stick is assigned to which input. For example in stick mode 2, the left vertical stick is assigned to the input throttle. The right horizontal stick is assigned to the input Aileron, and so on..
With channel order you assign inputs to channels in the mixer.
For example, in the so called Futaba order AETR, the Aileron input is assigned to CH1, Ele to CH2, Thr to CH3 and Rud to CH4.
This is very well explained on the manual.
I think the fault of people misunderstanding this is from the people that write the documentation for some flight controllers. It seems they should read the Er9x manual themselves ;) :D


Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:46 pm
by Daedalus66
And what really confuses people is that changing channel order SEEMS to change stick mode. It doesn't, of course, it just changes the receiver slots (or PPM order) in which the results of moving the sticks appear.

Re: ER9X and New Maual

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:11 pm
by jhsa
They should refer to it as channel order, not stick mode which is a personal preference..


Re: ER9X and New Manual

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:56 pm
by lostcity
I hope you will indulge me a moment. I recall reading the admonition to read the whole manual and take one's time. I would add that learning the secrets to the mixer take a bit of experimenting as well. Nothing beats sitting down with model or system and working with the transmitter and taking a look at what happens when you make changes. The mixer is a powerful tool for RC with a bit of a steep curve for the newbie. I would suggest anyone using ER9X (or any of the other computer radios) for the first time take the time to go thru those videos and do some experimentation with the new manual in hand. I for one will be making one of those demo models Mrazek uses.

Again thanks

Re: ER9X and New Manual

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:09 pm
by jhsa
In the manual we encourage you guys to experiment with either the radio or eepe. That is important. That is why we did include many examples. I also did a couple videos myself using a card board model, but using eepe or eepskye instead, which is the same as working with the radio but better to see what's happening ;) Here are a couple of my videos:


Re: ER9X and New Manual

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:51 pm
by spa1fwg
Hi João,

I send to Mike and you an PayPal donation of 4 GBP, about 5 Eur today.

Thanks very much for your manuals and firmware.

I am using a radio FlySky With 9Xtreme board.

Also I have the following radios with OpenTx:

Taranis 9XD+.
Taranis QX7
Taranis 9XE.

Perhaps in a future a Radiomaster XT16S with sensor hall and touch panel, I think the best radio quality-price today.

Never bought a radio without open source firmware.
Regard... Paco Galvan

Re: ER9X and New Manual

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:48 am
by jhsa
Thank you.
I have a few 9x radios with different boards. One with stock board running Er9x, changed processor on this one, then some others with 9xtreme, Ar9x and Sky9x boards, all running ErskyTX of course :)
