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"BAD EEPROM DATE" (after updating with er9x-frsky.hex)

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:38 pm
by petaca
Dear colleagues . I'm a little upset ....
I updated the firmware of my 9XR with ER9X - frsky.hex . The update always ended with "success" and yet always the error " BAD EEPROM DATE" to complete the process ....
I have repeated the process as shown in the tutorial many times and the same poster appears .
I have calibrated the sticks anyway (as the tutorial). And radio has been aparentemnte not working as it should .
For example, when I copied my radio models stored on the pc, the same error appears transmitter : "BAD EEPROM DATE" to complete the process .... And I checked , NO COPY models in the transmitter as it should .....
I have read enough on this forum and others and I can not solve my problem ....
Another strange thing is the excessive time it takes to do the firmware erp9x - frsky.hex .... (takes 12 minutes ! ... Very slow compared to what I saw in the tutorial videos ) ... .
For if it is useful , clarified that the tools used were:
1) pc windows 7 64-bit (also tried to do it in windows xp )
2) USBASP ( Hobbie King, the drivers offered by H , K. )
3) EEPE latest version ( in " Preferences" I chose 128 ) that did not work in 64 ....
4) I have made ​​the changes ( soldaduaras and cables) to see my 9XR telemetry. -
Any help will appreciate very much !

Re: "BAD EEPROM DATE" (after updating with er9x-frsky.hex)

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:04 pm
by Kilrah
It is not possible to restore models you had on the stock firmware as HK have read-protected the radio.

Sent via mobile

Re: "BAD EEPROM DATE" (after updating with er9x-frsky.hex)

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:52 pm
by petaca
kilrach thanks!
I knew that (mike has kindly explained to me that)
I edited four models in my pc using EEPE.
Then, I wanted to copy my 9XR radius (which currently has the program installed er9x-frsky.hex errors ...... "bad eepom date").
Not if I can explain my problem well ....
thank you very much
(translated with google)

Re: "BAD EEPROM DATE" (after updating with er9x-frsky.hex)

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 2:13 pm
by petaca
I want to apologize for the expressions of the first post when he says .... "I'm a little upset ....".
I just wanted to say that I am confused.
This was an obvious mistranslation of Google ... (the fault of google lol).
I have no complaints. In contrast, only thanks to all the team working selflessly to help others.
again, I apologize for this oversight.

Re: "BAD EEPROM DATE" (after updating with er9x-frsky.hex)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:14 pm
by petaca
SOLVED. Dear friends. I want to clarify that my problem has been solved. I went back to install er9x-FRSKY ...., reappeared onscreen those posters ... (look normal after the update), but now you can edit models pc and burn my radio ...