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Esky TX module with 9x

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:40 pm
by JayC
Hi guys,

just got my first 9x and finished modding it. I have quite a few Esky Rx modules and I have been happy with them... never had a glitch (knock wood) and the range is about one mile (!!). Not to mention they are dirt cheap.
Been using them in my smaller park flyers for years, so I really wanted to keep them working with my shiny new 9x. After some research with an oscilloscope, some googling and soldering, got it working with the first try!

Image Image Image

The PPM configuration is 6ch, 20ms frame, 500us blank, Negative.

Marvelous!!! Thank you guys for the excellent software :) Keep on the good work!!!


Re: Esky TX module with 9x

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:57 am
by notlarc
What did you add to make a working module for use with Esky receivers? Please share some of your wisdom.
This is my first post, please forgive the NOOB question.