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Topsky DLG flight phases and mixes

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:07 pm
by RightRudder
Hi all

First I am relatively new to 9x (since Dec. 2012) and I am running open 9x on a Sky 3.0 board. Much I have learned from these forums but I am about to embark on a new journey with my first discus launch glider for which I have chosen the topsky 3. Browsing the DLG forums I an gathering a lot of information so some things I already understand but there are many grey areas. I haven't got the glider yet but I am starting to think about how to configure the Tx and want to get advice and share the process here, hopefully to be a resource to others just getting into DLG. Those with experience please correct/guide me here I hope.

From what I gather I will need top set up for four distinct flight phases.

1. Speed phase which is supposed to have flapperons fair with the airfoil profile or in some cases slightly reflexed as per the plans guidelines. This phase is selected for the high speed launch if I understand correctly (not sure if that's correct) and then a momentary switch or push button is used to add a small trim offset to rotate the model into a steep climb and then the button is released just after releasing the model. I think I can put a small push button momentary on the back of the 9x case near my index finger for this and wire it in parallel with another switch. Mixes and rates etc for this phase is a complete unknown although I imagine it wouldn't be anything too fancy as the model isn't flown much in this regime except on launch?

2 Cruise phase for ranging between thermals would have the flapperons slightly lower than speed phase and elevator trim adjusted accordingly. I guess some aileron differential will be needed here and some rudder mix to coordinate turns.

3. Float phase for thermalling has the flaps drooped for slow flight at high lift. I expect this will require more aileron differential and some extra rudder mixed in with it. Elevator trim will also change for this phase.

4. Landing phase has flaps strongly deployed, and I gather the aileron effectiveness is minimal coupled with really ugly adverse yaw requiring tons of rudder mix. The elevator of course needs another value for this phase.

I'm still really weak in the area of programming the features in the 9x. So how does one achieve all this? Obviously the 3 position switch isn't going to cut it. I think could do Speed, Cruise and Float with the 3 position sw and use the flap switch to invoke the landing phase, but then what do I connect my momentary switch to in order to trigger the trim change for the launch rotation? Should I wire it in parallel with say the gear switch? I know there are some extra inputs on the Sky board but I'm not sure if there are any implementations for these in the open9x firmware. Does anybody know? Could I take the 3 position switch out and replace it with a 4 or 5 pos rotary switch? Would I be able to use the rotary encoder for any of this? I have one but have not installed it yet because I'm not sure where I want to mount it.

I'm sorry this post has been so long. I hope it will be as useful as it is long!
