RadioClone was written after Thus Th9X, but it was started before I found his project.
In fact RadioClone don't share code, or even main concept of Th9X - so it different from other firmwares (like Er9X, Gruvin9X ...), but as far I know there are some little influences between RadioClone and Er9x (both sides)

At start I wanted to create extremal flexible firmware. You can set almost everything, not only mixers, inputs and outputs, but also PPM signal, stick names, timers and display are configurable. I add so many configuration possibilities that memory needed to "save" single model configuration takes almost all EEPROM. That is the reason why I RadioClone holds only one model. To overcome this, I added SD card solution for model handling. With SD card, You can have as many configuration as you want.
Now some technical specifications:
RadioClone has 2-level mixers. It's unique, and maybe sometimes hard to grab at first moment, but it simplify some tasks.
The main reason was to ensure, that some values can be calculated before using it. For example: We have aileron on right stick (mode 2) which has DR 50% and EXPO 40. This drive two servos (or maybe even four in some configurations). Now we have 3 flight modes... which has different DR settings. In "classical approach" there is need to put definition of "flight modes" in every mixer connected to "channel". In RadioClone is different.
Code: Select all
(if f.mode1) AIL -> MAIL DR 50%, EXPO 40
(if f.mode2) AIL -> MAIL DR 70%, EXPO 60
(if f.mode3) AIL -> MAIL DR 100%, EXPO 0
MAIL -> OUT1 DR 100%
MAIL -> OUT4 DR -100%
MAIL -> OUT5 DR 100%
MAIL -> OUT6 DR -100%
As You can see, there is a special "variable" called here MAIL (mixered AIL, this can be configured of course) which holds "temporary" value. Than in 2-level mixers this value is used to drive output channels (model servos and engines). You can think about 2-level mixers as model mechanic descriptions. It should hold connection between internal variables as "mAIL" to output channels like 1,4 in reverse, 5, 6 in reverse...
You don't need to worry that this cause latency, because of different computation model, it is opposite - RadioClone is the fastest firmware.
Probably it's enough for first time (there is many more). If anyone will be interested I can describe more.
BTW I don't have any talent to write manuals for my own creations. For me it everything obvious... Maybe there is someone who will write a simple manual for RadioClone? Of course I can provide any information and help.