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Assign sounds to stick combination Asignar sonidos a combinación de stick

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:39 pm
by jagdac
Hola buenas tardes, no tengo ningún problema en asignar algún sonido, o pista de audio, o incluso valor, a cada stick, pero yo configuro 6 modos de vuelo con dos stick en mi emisora taranis qx7, en realidad ahora puedo asignar hasta 9 modos de vuelo, el problema surgen porque solo puedo asignar audio o una pista por cada posición de stick por separado, no conjuntamente los dos stick, no he conseguido poner sonido a los 6 modos de vuelo solo puedo poner sonido a 5 posiciones, tres posiciones de un stick y dos posiciones de otros stick independientemente,, cuando lo quiero hacer con una posición conjunta de los dos stick, mi pregunta es ¿Esto se puede hacer?¿Se pueden asignar sonidos o pistas de audio a la combinación de dos stick?


Hello, good afternoon, I have no problem assigning some sound, or audio track, or even value, to each stick, but I configure 6 flight modes with two sticks on my taranis qx7 radio station, actually now I can assign up to 9 modes flight, the problem arises because I can only assign audio or a track for each stick position separately, not the two sticks together, I have not managed to put sound to the 6 flight modes I can only put sound to 5 positions, three positions of one stick and two positions of other sticks independently, when I want to do it with a joint position of the two sticks, my question is Can this be done? Can sounds or audio tracks be assigned to the combination of two sticks?


Re: Assign sounds to stick combination Asignar sonidos a combinación de stick

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 9:05 pm
by rdeanchurch
Do you mean 2 switches?
Sticks generally refers to the Aileron, Elevator, Rudder and Throttle/Flap/Spoiler inputs.
Sticks have many more than 2 or 3 position.
Switches are either 2 or 3 positions.

If you mean switches:
Combine to switches in a logical switch then use that logical switch to select the flight mode or play a sound.

Logical switch examples:
LS01 AND SwFdown SwAdown
LS02 AND SwFdown SwAmid
LS03 AND SwFdown SwAup
LS04 AND SwFup SwAup
LS05 AND SwFup SwAmid
LS06 AND SwFup SwAdown

Using two 3 position switches you could extend that to select 9 flight modes.

The use LS01 thru LS06 to select flight modes or in special functions to play sounds/tracks.

Or am I missunderstanding what you mean ?