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openxsensor causes sensor lost

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:20 pm
by RCgirl
I am using an openXsensor GPS on multiple models (FrSky SmartPort protocol), with success so far.
But recently, I added the FrSky MINI lipo voltage sensor, to measure cell voltages. When used separately, this sensor is detected and works correctly.
But whenever I combine it with my openXsensor GPS sensor, I get the "sensor lost" of the CELS value. All other telemetry values are unaffected.
I check in the code that ARDUINO_MEASURES_VOLTAGE is set to NO, and that NUMBEROFCELLS is commented out (I thought this could cause the interference).
What am I missing here?

Re: openxsensor causes sensor lost

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:00 pm
by mstrens
Perhaps, the 2 sensors share the same device ID.

You can try changing the device ID from oXs Gps.
It is in file oXs_config_advanced.h

It is defined in line
#define DATA_ID_GPS 0x83 // 3 used for GPS data

You can try using an other values than 0X83 but the value must be in the list below:
//list of 28 device ID codes is (in sequence)

Re: openxsensor causes sensor lost

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:46 pm
by RCgirl
Thanks, that was a valid option...alas, it didn't change the problem.
I experimented with all the device IDs in that file, but the problem is still there. The standard ID for the voltage sensor is 02, which should be out of the way of all the IDs used in the program.
It's a bit frustrating that I don't see how I can debug this problem...
Maybe I should try to measure cell voltages with the Arduino...that would normally solve the problem.