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Horus glitching on Open Tx 2.2.3.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:00 pm
by RonR
Hi there, have both X12s and X10S, both on Open TX 2.2.3.
Is there an issue with this system, both Tx’s seem to glitch causing the failsafe to kick in at different times and distances. Some flights can be at a decent range and altitude, up to 300 metres in both distance and height with no problems. Yes it is gliders I fly. Other times the model could be 50 metres away and the failsafe will kick in. Any advise or help would be appreciated.

Re: Horus glitching on Open Tx 2.2.3.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:17 pm
by RonR
Come on folks, surely someone has an idea they wouldn’t mind sharing, I am open to all relevant suggestions. :D :D :D

Re: Horus glitching on Open Tx 2.2.3.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:32 pm
by mosfetman
I really can't speak to the glitching. I bought a pre-owned Horus about a month ago. I was running FrOS which I immediately replaced with OpenTX. The radio is basically flakey so I don't dare fly it till the FrSky USA service center re-opens and I get it checked out. Here are the issues so far:

1. The right rear slider comes and goes, sometimes its there, most often not.
2. The Left rear slider interacts with the right rear slider. In the calibrate or monitor modes, when you move the left slider, the right slider indicator slowly follows the left slider.
3. The six position switch looses its calibration entirely. After spending an hour programming flight modes, after turning the TX off and back on only two A/D values appear from that switch.
4. General flakey nus get stuck, radio freezes etc.

In retrospect, I should have thoroughly tested the radio while it was on FrSky OS. At this point, I don't dare fly it until FrSky checks it out. I will keep you posted. BTW, I replaced the RTC battery with no difference in behavior.