Arduino Post-Processing of OpenLRS* Data

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Arduino Post-Processing of OpenLRS* Data

Post by Epoxid »

Dear all,

I am using an Arduino board to control a multi-function ROV/submarine model (think of something like My concept right now is to use 40 MHz to transmit the RC signal to the ROV. I am using a Nano with an RFM69 (433 MHz) to transmit my data back.

I would like to get rid of the 40 MHz component and control both directions via the RFM69 and I think OpenLRSng is the right way to do it over any personal implementation via two RFM69 modules.

But this brings me to the problem that all guides out there mostly involve installation on pre-manufactured OpenLRS hardware. It seems very wasteful to me to get one of the premade modules, take that module's PWM output and read/re-digitalize that with my Arduino code the same way I got the RC signal from the 40 MHz gear by computing "pin is high times"...

Is there an example of an OpenLRSng receiver as a digital object being used in another code on a single microcontroler?

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