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Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:00 am
by voltzmd
thanks for the info. just wondering why yesterday my swash suddenly turned to one side and locked a few seconds then returned to middle without any input from the transmitter. i was testing it on the bench during that time with no throttle input. luckily i was not flying it yet. i live in pampanga and its a bit dry here due to the mt. pinatubo explosion several years back

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:12 pm
by kaos
I had one time my tail servo will twitch no matter what I do. then by putting a ferrite ring between the gyro and tail servo took care of the problem for good. I can't explain it. But this type interference is random no set rules for that to happen. I had the same type of gyro and tail servo on other heli, only one had this problem.
you may want to give it a try. between gyro and servo.

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:10 am
by Measuredpath
I can't for the life of me get this sorted. I dunno if the gyro is the issue or the 9X setup. I'll post up a video in the next few days and maybe someone could shed some light as the reaction of the gyro seems slow to react when move the heli.

I can dial in a flybar setup in no time, but this flybarless stuff is driving me nuts!

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:22 am
by kaos
who says FBL is better/easier? ;) The old trusty FB is still my cup of tea.

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:41 pm
by gohsthb
If you are not giving any inputs from the transmitter, just picking up the heli and moving it around, the swash should move with your movement. Within reason of course. I generally check mine as I carry the heli to the takeoff pad. I can feel the one swash link through the anti-rotation bracket. As i wave the heli back and forth I can feel it trying to stay in the same place.
Maybe your gyro gains are turned down?

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:11 pm
by salience
Re: FBLTemp.eepm
Hello gohsthb and all,
I see I am a bit late getting into this thread, but I am now setting up er9x for a Trex500 clone, FBL with a Helicommand. So far so good, I have the basics finished (mixes, curves, etc.) but am now looking at the Switches and further tabs in eePe.

I notice in your FBLTemp.eepm that you have set a few of the switches, CSwitch1 and Cswitches A,B,C.
Can you please explain what these settings do? For example, your CSwitch1 has v>ofs value1=CH3 value2=-80

So far I haven't deciphered exactly what I might/should use the switches for. I read the guide, but it is a bit brief and could use a few illustrative examples.

Also , I see you have GVAR4 set to THR with a vlaue of 1. And this does what?

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:12 pm
by gohsthb
Cs1 runs the timer.
Csa,b, c, are fir the sticky throttle cut.
Gvars weren't available when I set this up, so that gvar isn't used.

updated eepe files can now be found in this thread.

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:53 pm
by salience
Thanks gohsthb!
It's all so logical when explained...

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:19 am
by fyg02971
should it now be tarot zyx-s2?

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:29 pm
by LQd
gohsthb wrote:New improved FBL helicopter templates. Now you will find 2 in this file. One is set up for an ESC with a governor. The other has curves for a non-governed ESC. I also added the sticky throttle cut to both, and set it to only engage the throttle from ID0 or normal mode.

Great template Gohst! Thank you very much. I should found this two days erlier.

One remark, I don't know, if it's some kind of incompatibility or it was done intentionally, but all servo travels were set from -10 to 10. Don't forget to check this, if you want to use the template. And also I've got message, that some switch is not supported, I don't know, what I have lost, but it seems to work well. Only one thing I'm not sure, if it suppose to work this is, that sticky throttle cut works well up to the point, where three position switch is out of ID0, throttle stick is all way down in -100 and if throttle cut is switched to "unlocked" position, then throttle channel will go to level set by throttle stick all way down and corresponding curve, so well above zero throttle. Is this correct behavior or I lost something of functionality? Thanks once again.

Re: ER9X and Tarot ZYX-S Gyro

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:05 pm
by breogan
I have installed a ZYX-S2 gyroscope on 450, with 3 servos HS-65MG in swashplate and S9257 in tail.

When leaning forward (and stop movement), initially the compensation movement is OK, but then it still moving back to the last position, as show in the video -> ...
It seem that doesn't work AVCS (heading hold). It should maintain the position, and not move back. Not to return to normal position.

The tail rotor movement is good, that is, if I turn the helicopter, the servo remains so until the helicopter return to its previous position (heading hold).

How I could solve the issue?
Thank you.