Zadig 2.1.0 released

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Zadig 2.1.0 released

Post by dvogonen »

I, like many others, have had issues getting the STM32 drivers to work for Taranis flashing from my Windows 7 machine. In my case a Win7 64 bit Samsung Ultrabook with USB3 ports. The usual solution is to run Zadig, which is a nice program that helps installing the needed device driver support.
In my case that turned out to not work, since Zadig would always crash during enumeration of device drivers and basically was useless on my machine. My solution was to use Linux or Windows XP machines instead. Both are much easier to deal with.
It would naturally have been possible to get to the bottom of the problem by just spending time on the issue, but I have done that so many times for other drivers that my patience is virtually non-existent for such meaningless endeavors.

The Zadig developer Pete Batard/Akeo has now fixed the problems with Zadig crashing on Win7 machines with certain USB3 stacks. The new version worked flawlessly on my machine, which is now for the first time able to flash Taranis :D

I have posted a link to Zadig's home page on the OpenTX download page. Alternatively you find it here: Zadig home page

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Re: Zadig 2.1.0 released

Post by jlummel »

In a similar vein I was able to resolve my problems with the drivers under Window 7 64-bit by running DriveCleanup to remove errant and old USB device entries (you can get it here, lower down on the page). You basically leave any system USB devices attached (mouse, keyboard) and unplug all others. When you run this the device entries of anything NOT connected are deleted, requiring it be discovered newly next time it plugged in.

Running this cleared up the problem I was having with the Taranis connecting via USB, both for boot-loading and for accessing the SD card and updating models (it would connect after a fresh boot and then would not connect again when unplugged and plugged back in until I rebooted again- issue is gone now).

Make sure to read the .txt file in the DriveCleanup archive before using.


PS- this also cleared up other USB annoyances that had cropped up over time as well.
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