HK-500GT TT eepe

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HK-500GT TT eepe

Post by tmacdonald »

I will be the 1st to admit as to little or no knowledge on my setup for the HK-500GT TT - I have gone over all the .pdf guides and other users eepe's and I was able to create an eepe that works with a couple exceptions - Aileron, ch2 and ch6. On my eepe you will see that I have ELE (ch1), AIL (ch2), and Ail/Pitch (ch6) inverted - I had to invert all 3 to get them all going in the "UP" direction when the throttle is increased... That's all fine and dandy except when using the right/left aileron they are reversed - right goes left/left goes right. I have gone over and over this eepe and I am doing nothing other than scratching my head - How do I get the Ailerons to go in the right direction without screwing up the throttle? I am miffed! :oops:

I would much appreciate any help or guidance - I have attached my eepe
HK-500GT TT.eepe
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Re: HK-500GT TT eepe

Post by erazz »

Just out of curiosity... Why didn't you use the Heli menu? It has options especially for that!

In your case the solution would be to invert the inputs in the mixes. Instead of -62% for the AIL in CH2 and CH6 just put in +62% like in the attached file :)
HK-500GT TT.eepe
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Re: HK-500GT TT eepe

Post by erazz »

Look at this model to see an example on how to use the heli functions
HK-500GT TT2.eepe
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Re: HK-500GT TT eepe

Post by tmacdonald »

Erazz - Consider me a 61 year old beginner! My grandson got me into these heli's, and I think I tried to do and comprehend to much to fast... From watching all of Finless Bob's video's, the 2 pdf's, heli setup using template and 450 heli setup, along with 3 different user eepe files - This old man got confused somewhere! Probably in the beginning! I thank you for looking at the eepe, I'll grab both and get right into them... My grandson says there is hope for me yet???

Like a dummy, I looked and looked at those lines you changed, ch2 and ch3 and I couldn't realize that was the problem! I'll wake up some day!

Thank you Sir!
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Re: HK-500GT TT eepe

Post by erazz »


We're all beginners at some point. I didn't meat to criticize.

In any case, look at the second file I posted. It's simpler and quite a bit faster.

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Re: HK-500GT TT eepe

Post by tmacdonald »

Erazz - You weren't critizing, you were asking valid questions! I'm 1 of those doe-doe's who always wake up after the fact! Back in the 70's I was into rc planes, they actually became boring to me after some time - So I went looking for something that would spark me - I found it when I came across the only heli at that time, a Schlueter... I put 1 together and I assumed I new it all back then as well, the instructions specified a certain size gas motor and all the motors I had on hand for the planes were larger - Never fear, I could just throttle one of the larger motors down...Right?

Very wrong! I even purchased a trainer base that the copter attached to, When the copter lifted off, it lifted off with the trainer base as well, that base had to weigh at least 10 lbs, so that will give you an idea as to the lift I was dealing with! Stuck my tail between my legs and purchased the right size motor for Schlueter. My son was 5 years old at the time and he remembers his dads heli, but doesn't remember that dad crashed each and everytime he flew it...Got quite expensive with the repairs and all! Now his son wants in on the heli craze and of course my son says - Lets get Grandpa involved, he used to fly heli's, and here I am... Ugh!

The HK-500GT TT2 gave me the same problem, I added AIL to ch2 and ch6 (-/+) and had to invert 6 - The ailerons work, but in reverse and if I change the -/+ settings in the mixer then ch2 & ch6 stop working altogether...
HK-500GT TT2.eepe
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Re: HK-500GT TT eepe

Post by gohsthb »

Opps I see we have caused some confusion here. The first setup you had was the old manual way of setting up a heli. The Erazz added the CYC inputs to Er9x. The CYC inputs have the mixing done for you so no need to add AIL or ELE. When setting up you heli check the aileron and pitch servos first. If both servos move backward, then in the heli menu check the box for reverse aileron. If only one moves backward then invert the mixer percentage (for example if it was 100% make it -100%). Next check the elevator direction and if that is backward check the invert elevator box in the heli menu. Finally check the pitch. All of the servos should move up for positive and down for negative.
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Re: HK-500GT TT eepe

Post by tmacdonald »

OK - Here's what I did... I inverted aileron in the heli setup, and I made ch6 a -100 in the mixer... Everything operates as it should now! Let me tell you that until I addressed those 2 the transmitter was doing some wierd stuff! Elevator was working on the trottle side, and the throttle was operating in reverse on the right side - Done turned me into a mode 1 transmitter... I changed the 2 setting as I said and everything returned to normal...???
HK-500GT TT2.eepe
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