Help with my first eeprom

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Help with my first eeprom

Post by MyRCode »

My Taranis is still in the mail, but I wanted to know if someone could check my eeprom for my Warp 360. I just started reading and watching videos about how to set everything up so I'm sure there are some mistakes in there.

My FBL unit is a Helicommand and I'm planing on running Sbus to a X8R.

I was trying to setup the following functions

SF: Throttle Hold / Safety
SE: Flight modes (normal is 0 throttle, IU1 and IU2 at at flat percentages for governor)
SA: Ruder DR / expo
SB: Setup to call out certain telemetry values (not sure how to set this up yet)
S1: I would like to set this up to vary channel 7 from 0 - 100%. On the helicommand, in rigid mode, any positive values here will set self-level. Most of the time I want this know at 0. I'll only use it for tuning. I would like to set a repeating alarm for any time this know is not at 0.
S2: Not sure what to use this knob for. Can this be used to adjust tail gain?
SC: Elevator DR / Expo
SD: Aileron DR / EXPO
SH: Captain Rescue - when flipped, Channel 7 should have a value of at least -100%
SG: Reset timer 1
RS: Self-level

What would be the best way to adjust tail gain on the fly for different models? If it's set with a knob, what happens when I switch to a different model? Would I have to re-find the correct tail gain for that model using that knob.

Any suggestions on better uses for the switches than what I currently have?
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