Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

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Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

I have an original Turnigy 9x with the M64 processor, with the Frsky telemetry mod.
I have flashed er9x-frsky.hex from the er9xProv822u.zip using eePe version p423 (May 15 2020)

I have an iRANGE X Plus multiprotocol module, connected using serial mode (e.g. rotary potentiometer is at position 'zero'). I have tried the following firmware versions: (September 24 2020) (September 18 2020) (August 30 2020)
with the following pre-compiled binaries:
multi-stm-ppm-aetr-noinv-v1.3.1.69, multi-stm-ppm-aetr-noinv-v1.3.1.65, and multi-stm-ppm-aetr-noinv-v1.3.1.59, respectively.

Interestingly, I noted that in v.59, there is no problem with the module binding to an Eachine E011 ("Bayang" protocol with "Bayang" subprotocol). However, in v.65 and v.69, the multiprotocol module's red LED flashes at approximately a 0.5 second interval, which according to the troubleshooting guide, is due to the no valid signal being seen on the RX pin.

Might anyone have an idea about why this is so?

Additionally, I noticed that when selecting the Multi protocol in er9x, the names are no longer there (they used to be present in 822m); I assume this was done to save on flash space?

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

Try flashing the pre-compiled, multiprotocol module versions that have "openTx" in their name. This selects "MULTI_TELEMETRY" that returns the protocol names from the module which the recent test version of er9x now support.

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

Thank you for the speedy reply, Mike. I appreciate all the hard work you and everyone else involved in the er9x/Multiprotocol projects, and in keeping it still going even after all these years (admittedly the 9X transmitter is starting to get a bit old!)

I am happy to report that the OpenTX version (multi-stm-opentx-aetr-noinv-v1.3.1.69) works perfectly, and also even manages to pull the protocol and subprotocol names correctly.

However, I have noticed for telemetry, RSSI is correct, while TSSI remains at 0.

My second, and somewhat unrelated problem is that in a normal AETR setup, in the Safety switches menu, I have CH3 set to "Safety" !THR (switch) -100. i.e. when the throttle switch is off, it should be sending -100 to the throttle control, and when it is on, normal throttle function is restored.

I see no way of changing the safety from a simple safety to a sticky safety (I recall this used to be possible). This might just be a user (me) error. More interestingly, is that when this safety is set up, I occasionally experience an immediate throttle cut, and the transmitter acts as if I long-pressed the 'Menu' button (e.g. I can see Model Select, Model Setup, Last Menu, etc). Obviously, this is especially problematic.

If I disable the safety, I no longer experience the above problem.
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

I'll dig my M64, 9X out and see if I can reproduce that problem.
When in the safety switches, with the word "Safety" highlighted, it should be possible to just press MENU and have that toggle to "Sticky". That works on my '2561 radio I have to hand for testing.

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

Here's a quick video showing the problem (excuse the shakiness, I don't have a tripod to film this)

TSSI == 0 from the start. When I go into the safety menu, with "Safety" highlighted, I tried long-pressing MENU, which makes it start flashing. However, pressing up/down/left/right does not change the value. Additionally, short-pressing MENU also does not change the value.

Please ignore that I don't have anything (e.g. !THR) set in the switch field, as I mentioned, it was being buggy on me, so I have disabled it for now.

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

Please try the test version I've just posted (I reproduced the problem, unable to select Sticky).

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

Thanks for jumping immediately on this, Mike.

The test version works, and I am able to switch between regular 'Safety' and 'Sticky' safety modes.

I am still experiencing some weird drop outs in both safety modes -- I'll suddenly lose connection, as if safety throttle has been engaged. The Model Select, Model Setup, Last Menu, etc popup appears (as if I long-pressed MENU). Resetting the safety switch doesn't affect anything (e.g. throttle remains at -100; if I am in sticky safety, pulling throttle all the way to the end does not release the safety). All other inputs work as expected. The only way to reset is to restart the TX, and then rebind.

I'm going to play around a bit more this weekend to see what the problem is; as mentioned, this only happens when safety is engaged (AETR setup, safety/sticky safety on CH3, set on !THR switch, at -100). I am wondering if it is a connection issue.

Have you any idea about the lack of TSSI telemetry?
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

What telemetry protocol are you using (FrSky,DSM etc.)?
TSSI will only display a value if the module sends such a telemetry value.
I'm not sure regarding the other safety problem.
Suggestion for testing:
1. Use a different switch to engage safety.
2. Try using another channel (5?), with throttle as source and safety applied to that (as well).
3. Operate without the module fitted to see if is the telemetry data causing a problem.

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

I'm using the FrSky telemetry, with the standard mod that is applied to a Turnigy 9x (i.e. moving switches to pin 41 and 42 of the M64 with 220 Ohm resistors added).

I will double check everything again; I recall the telemetry working on 822m, so I might try flashing the older version to see if I can narrow down the telemetry problem.

Thanks for the tips on the safety switch problems; I'll give it a try and report back.
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

I've flashed my Turnigy 9X to an older version, mainly for testing (and because that was the last known version of er9x that I knew was working).

Flashed: er9x-frsky.hex from er9xProv822m.zip using eePe version p423 (May 15 2020).

I also started flashing older versions of the multiprotocol module firmware and have narrowed it down to a change between and

Using the following binaries:

With 0.53, both RSSI and TSSI are OK.
With 0.76, only RSSI works.

Here is an image showing my telemetry screens
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

Please confirm you are using a FrSky receiver providing the telemetry (what protocol D8 or D16?), or what receiver are you using?.
So the TSSI problem is in the multi module firmware?

Edit: I see you are asking about this on RCGroups (bayang protocol).

If you flash the latest test version of er9x, and use the latest release of the multi firmware (erskyTx version), do you get the problem with the saftey switch?

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

Note that I cannot test the M64 (or the M2561) properly at the moment for your problem. My M2561 uses a proper RS232 buffer to invert the telemetry signal, and a STM module doesn't output a high enough voltage for that to work, I have to use an AVR module in that Tx. The M64 radio has a telemetrEZ unit fitted that doesn't support multi telemetry at all.

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

Sorry for the confusion Mike; I am not using a proper FrSky receiver, it is one of those cheapo toy quads (Eachine E011) that use the Bayang protocol with Bayang subprotocol. It seems that lack of TSSI may be due to the multiprotocol firmware, so I have cross-posted it to the RCGroups thread as well. Perhaps Pascal can shed some light on this (I suppose this would be out of scope for you/er9x in any case. But an interesting problem regardless). No worries on not being able to test the telemetry for me, ultimately, it's a minor annoyance, since it's a puzzle that can't be resolved yet.

I have flashed the fixed 822u er9x-frsky.bin file you provided a few days ago with eePe as usual.
I flashed the latest release ( of the multi firmware, using multi-stm-erskytx-aetr-noinv-v1.3.1.69 and not the OpenTX version.

Telemetry wise, RSSI works while TSSI does not work, as expected.
For the safety switch, it still unexpectedly dies.

Here is an image of how I have the safety switch setup:

Here is a video immediately after a failure (sorry about the LED backlight being too bright)

Things to note about the video:
1) Safety switch has been physically disengaged, so THR should work, but does not.
2) After I engage safety (5 seconds in), THR does not work, as expected.
3) Disabling the safety switch again (8 seconds in), THR still does not work.
4) After a complete shutdown/reboot (20 seconds in), with safety engaged, THR does not work, as expected.
5) Disabling the safety switch (27 seconds in), THR works as normal (you can hear the motors revving up in the background).
6) Safety switch is engaged again (33 seconds in), THR does not work, as expected.
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

I managed to catch the buggy safety behaviour on film, twice in a single video, if you can believe it! Unfortunately the exposure is all over the place, since my camera wants to alternate between focusing on the LCD and the rest of the frame.

Firmware is still er9x-frsky.hex from the fixed 822u that you uploaded a few days ago, and the multi module firmware is the latest, using multi-stm-erskytx-aetr-noinv-v1.3.1.69 (video below). I have tested with multi-stm-opentx-aetr-noinv-v1.3.1.69 as well, with reproducible behaviour (no video).


Video starts off with me turning on the TX, safety is engaged.

(min:sec) - Description
0:11 - As expected, moving THR has no effect.
0:24 - Safety disengaged. THR works (you can also hear the motors)
0:32 - Safety engaged. THR doesn't work again, as expected
0:47 - Safety disengaged again
0:50 - Before I can even get to moving throttle (was trying to fiddle with my camera's exposure), you can see the Menu pop up. It disappears by itself after a few seconds. Safety is disengaged, but THR does not work
0:59 - Safety engaged. THR does not work as expected
1:04 - Safety disengaged. THR still does not work (due to weird Menu pop up).
1:09 - Full shut down
1:17 - Safety engaged. THR does not work, as expected
1:19 - Safety disengaged. THR works.
1:26 - Menu appears again, with same described behaviour
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

I haven't looked at the videos yet,I will in a bit. Are you always testing with the quad powered up?
Please test these setups:
1. Without the multi-module installed (so no serial data from the module).
2. With the module, but without the quad powered (so no telemetry data).
3. Use a different switch to control the safety.

What programmer are you using to flash the radio and is it permanently connected? The SCK programming signal is connected to the MENU button signal, so if this goes active (caused by a connected programmer, this would cause the popup menu to appear).

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

Yes, the quad is always powered up. I'll run through the tests that you mentioned today and report back.

I am flashing the radio with an Arduino Uno, acting as an AVR ISP. It is not permanently connected.

When you have the time, please take a look at the videos (about 2 minutes each), and let me know what you think. After all, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then at 30 frames per second, 2 minutes of footage = 3600 images = 3.6 million words! ;)
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

I see your problem but I can't work out what is the cause. I've managed to do a partial re-wire of my M64 to get the telemetry data working from the multi module, although the telemetrEZ was doing the rewire of the two switches, so they are not working.
I've set up FrSky D8 to a D8 receiver so I'm getting FrSky hub telemetry (same format as the Bayang is using) and I don't get the problem you are seeing. I do, however, have a rotary encoder fitted. Pressing the button on this brings up popup menu, but the safety still works correctly.

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

MikeB wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:08 am I haven't looked at the videos yet,I will in a bit. Are you always testing with the quad powered up?
Please test these setups:
1. Without the multi-module installed (so no serial data from the module).
2. With the module, but without the quad powered (so no telemetry data).
3. Use a different switch to control the safety.

What programmer are you using to flash the radio and is it permanently connected? The SCK programming signal is connected to the MENU button signal, so if this goes active (caused by a connected programmer, this would cause the popup menu to appear).

1) Without the module installed, there is no unexpected drop (tested ~10 minutes)
2) With the module in, but without the quad powered, there is no unexpected drop (tested ~10 minutes)
3) Switching to a different switch (!ELE on throttle channel, set to -100, see below), tentatively everything seems OK (only flew for ~4 minutes, ran out of batteries :))


It's really strange how simply changing the switch seems to solve the problem. I'll continue with some additional testing once I have a few more batteries charged up.

To recap my testing conditions:

Turnigy 9x with M64 and FrSky telemetry mod done (no inversion)
er9x-frsky from fixed 822u, flashed with eePe p423
iRangeX 4+ running multiprotocol "multi-stm-erskytx-aetr-noinv-v1.3.1.69.bin" flashed with Flash-Multi 0.5
RSSI OK, TSSI telemetry does not appear
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

One other test you could try is to create a new model, and just change the minimum number of settings to get operation. This would test for some other setting in the model you are using causing the problem.

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

Just an update to the situation: I've created a new model, made the minimum number of changes, and the !THR safety switch still seems to cause issues.

So far, with a different switch (!ELE), it seems to work.

Now I am wondering if there is some random short in my TX...

The TSSI telemetry still doesn't seem to work, and nobody is responding to my inquiries on the Multiprotocol page on RCGroups, unfortunately. But, as I mentioned, it's probably beyond the scope of er9x!
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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by MikeB »

I've gone back through the multi code (previous commits to Github). Some time ago there was a TSSI value created for Bayang telemetry, but this was not a real value but simply the number of telemetry frames received each second. In the current code, this is no longer created so TSSI shows a 0 always.

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Re: Query regarding Turnigy 9x and Multiprotocol

Post by Darkblade48 »

Ah, so you're saying the previous TSSI wasn't even TSSI!

I've been bamboozled all along! Thank you for going through the Github and looking at the commits; most of it is a foreign language to me

I'll probably get around to poking around my TX again this weekend, to make sure there's no shorts on the THR switch. A short might explain why it's randomly cutting throttle power, but still doesn't explain why the MENU pops up, unless there is a short on SCK somewhere as well.

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