Jumper T16 Pro support Futaba FHSS

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Jumper T16 Pro support Futaba FHSS

Post by GrumpyRCsenior »

I have a Beta85x HD with V`BNF Futaba FHSS.
I sold my Futaba T14SG and Spektrum DX9, to replace them with the new Jumper T16 Pro.
Didn't think of my Beta85x HD, that's a BNF Futaba FHSS.

According to some information, the Jumper radio shall support FHSS, but I cannot find much to confirm this.
Has anyone here been able to Bind and use Jumper radio with Futaba FHSS receiver?



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Re: Jumper T16 Pro support Futaba FHSS

Post by Kilrah »

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