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OTX upgrade "loses" settings

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:06 pm
by mpjf01
Yesterday I responded positively to the invitation to upgrade OTX Companion to 2.0.13. After the upgrade when I looked at my (only) profile I find that all the tick boxes in the build options are blank as is the splash screen. I got no invite to download the latest transmitter firmware. None of these are normal, usually when I upgrade the settings are retained and when there is a new firmware version of OTX available for download I get a prompt to do that.

So I figured that the splash screen and build options would be in the firmware in the radio so I uploaded that to Companion but still don't see any change to the profile. Presumably if I reconstruct my build options and get the new radio firmware version and download it to the radio I will lose my splashscreen?