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Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 1:37 pm
by stotty1111
Hi all,
As above, I am trying to set the tx to control a tank, have used the plane 'v' tail mix.
Ok it is set up as follows
Ch1 50% Rud
+ 50% Elev
Ch2 50% Rud
+ -50% Elev
For the most part it works fine, however when turning to the left with the stick in top left position ie going forwards, works fine, but, bottom left stick position the tank reverses to the right mirror image when stick top right, but in reverse the turn is to the left.
I have been playing about for hours changing things to try to resolve the situation -- all to no avail
I want the left stick to turn to the left when going forward and also to the left when reversing, my question is can this be achieved? if so, how?
If I carry on trying I will end up bald!!!! :-((

Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:29 pm
by MikeB
Several ways of doing this, this seems to work:
CH1: 50% Rud
* 100% Ele (MULTIPLY multiplex)
+ 50% Ele
CH2: -50% Rud
* 100% Ele (MULTIPLY multiplex)
+ 50% Ele
You may need to reverse one or both outputs (in limits menu).

As with your mixes, the Ele stick changes the speed of the tracks up to 50%. As you add Rud in the "outside" track speeds up and the "inside" track slows down. With full Rud, the "inside" track stops and the "outside" track will be at 100%.

Would it be "better" if Ele does 100% and as you add Rud it just slows the "inside" track?


Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:57 pm
by stotty1111
Thanks for the speedy reply, I think the latter situation would work best, the tank will be part of a demonstration piece with a landing craft and the disembarquation etc.
I thought the V programming would have worked on the tank, it has been used on the landing craft without probs for some time!
again thanks, have a great evening!

Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 8:07 pm
by MikeB
CH1: 100% Rud Curve(x<0)
* 100% Ele (MULTIPLY multiplex)
+ 100% Ele
CH2: -100% Rud Curve(x>0)
* 100% Ele (MULTIPLY multiplex)
+ 100% Ele

looks to work. You get +/- 100% forwards and backwards and as you move the Rud stick, the track in the Rud direction gets reduced to zero.


Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:09 am
by stotty1111
You have listed 2 x CH1's, should the 2nd one be CH2?
I am just about to load the settings, and will use the 2nd CH! as CH2
I'll get back to you in due course!

Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:35 am
by stotty1111
Tried that, didn't work, the left and right tracks were rolling in opposite directions!

Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:57 am
by MikeB
Edited to show CH2 !
You probably need to reverse one of the channels (in the limits menu).


Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:03 am
by stotty1111
Nope, didn't work, as above tracks rolling in opposite directions when in fwd and rev.
I'll knock up a test thingy later to test/check the programming, ie 2 x motors with tell tales on the shafts with a similar receiver etc!

Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:52 am
by MikeB
CH1: 100% Rud Curve(x<0)
* 100% Ele (MULTIPLY multiplex)
+ 100% Ele
CH2: 100% Rud Curve(x>0)
* 100% Ele (MULTIPLY multiplex)
- 100% Ele
(no channel reversing).

I've just changed the sign of Rud and the last Ele in channel 2.

I still don't understand why reversing just one channel didn't, at least, make the tracks go in the same direction for fwd and reverse.


Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:57 am
by ReSt
Have a look on this post.
Maybe it can help ... 31#p146931


Re: Turnigy 9X running ER9X setup to run a tank, how?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:15 am
by stotty1111
Hi all
Finally got back to fiddling with tis, and using the link by ReSt and the setup suggested by pstimpel I have more or less what i want, the Tank rolls as expected, the only piece missing is the horiz left and right sticks do not generate anything for this situation, not a problem , the tank is on a landing craft, and is an exhibition demonstration piece, ie just rolling off and back onto the LCM, as space is a little restricted for further activity.
Thanks Mike etal, have a great sunday!!