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Radio Flip Flop

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:40 pm
by claytonbakerjr
So I was one of those guys who did the "MOD" for the XD9 Plus antenna.
Short story I now regret it...
So I made the decision to move forward and replace the radio since
at this point timing is an issue due to traveling to events...and currently
the only supplier with In Stock replacement boards is HK in the UK....and that's a 6 to 8 week wait in some cases.
So I ordered from Aloft Hobbies since I have had good dealings with them so far.
Anyway, once I get the new radio...
Is the change over as easy as simply swapping the SD card and rebinding the models?
I currently use no scripts, nor have I done nothing fancy within OpenTX.
Short of installing my M9 gimbals is there anything other than mentioned I need to
pay attention to?

Re: Radio Flip Flop

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:07 am
by iflylilplanes
The only issue I have come across is the eepes need to be installed onto the same firmware as the one they were taken off, I tried this the other day and the radio would not let me install the previous backup because of the newer firmware. If the eepes are in the TX when the firmware is updated the eepes are updated at the same time, other than that you may have to maybe adjust some trims due to slight differences from radio to radio.

BTW, I "had" to do the antenna mod as I managed to crash my quad into myself and it took the antenna off the Taranis, a large magnifying glass (well lit) and a very fine tipped soldering iron with 63/37 solder and steady hands made the job do-able but not easy, no issues as yet for four months fingers crossed.

Re: Radio Flip Flop

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:00 pm
by claytonbakerjr
Thanks Dave
Yea the MOD went well for the longest time, several months in fact but then distance issues and fail safes came trolling in.
I replaced the inner cable with a more substantial one (much better than the kit cable) and it too seemed much better for awhile.
Soldering was spot on (I too use a mag glass and have very fine pointed tips for my Hakko)
Sunday at one of our races I walked 50 feet away from the quad and lost total RSSI and SWR wouldn't even read. I walked back to it and still nothing. The day before (same quad) everything worked it did during all practice heats that Sunday.. So Im going to end up ordering a new main board after the new radio comes in. At least I will have a spare :)