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Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 1:35 am
by Yoopy
I always get an warning message that says:
-Your eeprom is from an old version of OpenTX, upgrading!
You should "save as" to keep the old file as a backup.

When I go into the radio Radio Setup Version screen the display reads:
FW: opentx-9x
VERS: 2.1.9
EEPR: 216-0

I thought that the eeprom version should be 217?

Radio: Turnigy 9x
OpenTX version: 2.1.9 Turnigy 9x with stock board MCU = M64
I have been able to flash the 2.1.9 version of OpenTX to the radio.
I have also been able to configure a model in OpenTX Companion 2.1.9 and write the Model and Settings to the radio.

Is this the way it is supposed to be or do I have a problem?
The radio seems to work with the OpenTX and Model as written to the radio even with the warnings.

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:37 pm
by hugovic
Same here, after upgrade from 2.0.15
FW: opentx-9x
VERS: 2.2.0
EEPR: 216-2

Your eeprom is from an old version of OpenTX, upgrading!
What now pls?

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:54 am
by Yoopy
I noticed on the Flash Firmware screen for the latest firmware:
Version: 2.2.0
Variant: 216-0

Is the Variant the EEPROM version?
If that is the case, it would appear that the Turnigy 9x is capped at a EEPROM version of 216.

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 2:55 pm
by 09gepard
It is the same to me.
I have FlySky TH9x.
Firmware is opentx-9x 2.1.9, EEPR: 216-1
Everything works as far as I can see, but I can't get rid of this message: "- Your eeprom is from an old version of OpenTX, upgrading!
You should 'save as' to keep the old file as a backup." which appears always, when models and setting were read from radio.
Can anybody help?

radio Type: 9X with stock board
FW file name: opentx-9x-heli-templates-nosplash-DSM2-ppmca-gvars-symlimits-autosource-autoswitch-battgraph-thrtrace-nogps-en-2.1.9

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:55 pm
by snuffy
I'm in the same boat also with respect to the 'old version' warning.... It happens every time and won't go away. I'm also having issues with 'Bad eeprom' message on TX after firmware upgrading. May be related? Writing settings seems to be very hit or miss... often taking multiple attempts before getting a good write.


- Your eeprom is from an old version of OpenTX, upgrading!
You shoudl 'save as' to keep the old file as a backup."

9XR 128MB board.
VERS: 2.0.13
Date: 2014-11-20
Time: 18:35:13
EEPR: 217-32769

Windows 10.

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:01 pm
by Kilrah
If you use 2.0 on the radio you must use 2.0 on the computer.

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 4:25 pm
by snuffy
I have now got it to flash to VERS: 2.2.0 but not able to update models, just keeps going round in a loop, resetting everything and going back to Bad EEProm and starting calibration again. I'll post another topic so as to not hijack this one with my new issues. Thanks.

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:19 pm
by ahawks
I just flashed OpenTX on my 9XR for the first time and seem caught by this scenario.

I've flashed the latest 2.2 firmware, using Companion 2.2.

I've had the radio format the EEPROM.

I read the models & settings from the radio.

I renamed Model01 to 'test'.


Write models & settings to radio.

Get "Warning, your EEPROM is from an old version of OpenTX, upgrading!" message

Continue with write. Note: vrdude.exe says "avrdude.exe: writing eeprom (4096 bytes)" (isn't 4096 the new version?)

Radio restarts.

"EEPROM WARNING: Bad EEprom data .... formatting"

Is there any way out of this? I tried with 2.1.9 and got the same thing. Do I need to go back farther?

Edit: I saw in another thread that 2.2 isn't fully tested on the 9XR, and to use 2.0.

So I downloaded 2.0. Basically same thing. Now I'm told my EEPROM version is too new, or the wrong size, and still can't write a valid profile.

SO..... At this point I've basically bricked my radio. Help?

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:46 pm
by ahawks
Tried with Companion 2.0.17, firmware v. 2.0.19 (I don't see a way to configure the Companion to use a 2.0.17 firmware)....

Same result. bad eeprom, immediate format.

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:40 pm
by ahawks
I did realize - I can customize the radio using just the radio just fine. It's uploading from the Companion that corrupts the EEprom... So it's not bricked. It's usable. Just can't use the Companion..

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:24 pm
by MikeB
What do you have in settings as the transmitter type? (9XR, or 9XR with 128 chip).


Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:51 pm
by DirkJan
Same here..
Updated my Turnigy 9XR(not m128) to Open-TX 2.2.0
in a loop with Companion.. Get "Warning, your EEPROM is from an old version of OpenTX, upgrading!"

Checked the EEPR setting on my Turnigy 9XR

FW: opentx-9xr
VERS: 2.2.0
EEPR: 216-0

Checked the same config on my Taranis..

FW: opentx-x9d+
VERS: 2.2.0 (85863358)
EEPR: 218

So in my opinion, Companion 2.2.0 stores/creates the models in the 218 format. The Turnigy accept only the 216 format. So writing 218 format to Turnigy radio fails. While Companion 2.2.0 reading from (on Turnigy created models) Turnigy in 216 format want to convert to 218 format..

They forgot to put the 218 format into the Turnigy 9XR 2.2.0 firmware?


Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:47 pm
by bob195558
May be better to use er9x / eepe with your old 9xr radio.
I think opentx is not maintained on the lower 9x radios anymore.
er9x is still maintained with new firmware updates.

Re: Turnigy 9x OpenTx 2.1.9 warning message

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:53 pm
by vnv
Hello everyone,

the same thing here with the stock TH9x.

I have tried (still trying) with: companion 2.0 , 2.1, 2.2.

I have downloaded source and built it on Linux.

Changed inside firmware version to 218 ( ... myeeprom.h)

Code: Select all

#if defined(CPUARM)
  #define EEPROM_VER             218
  #define FIRST_CONV_EEPROM_VER  216
#elif defined(CPUM2560) || defined(CPUM2561)
  #define EEPROM_VER             217
#elif defined(CPUM128)
  #define EEPROM_VER             218[b] <-------------- Changed this to 218 [/b]
  #define EEPROM_VER             216 

I just searched through the code to try and hack it out fast, but it seems it needs more digging.
I am personally split between two concepts:
1) is it the issue with the companion - companion does bad eeprom write or bad conversion happens in the process.
2) eeprom itself makes problem with saving data, somehow it puts it in old format

Somehow it seems to me that companion is doing the wrong stuff, because after I made source change (version to 218) it still reported same problem, how/why?? :? :?

The whole concept with storage versioning make sense if you want to convert your models from old version, but if all is erased and you are ready to start fresh with clean eeprom then conversion makes no sense at all.
If it detects corruption and then formats eeprom (after that devil message) why does it makes problems again.

Also if someone want's to hack firmware, whole process of building it under Linux (Ubuntu) is pretty easy and I can give pointers if there will be interest.