openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

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openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »


== Current sensor support in openXvario ==

There are plenty of real cheap current sensor modules available on eBay from far east sellers. Prices start at something between 2 and 3€ for a bidirectional current sensor in the +/- 5A,20A or 30A range.
Now you can directly connect these cheap current sensor modules to your openXvario.


this is a +-5A sensor repackaged for use in one of my DLG Gliders:

In open9x/openTx/Frsky Taranis this should enable the following telemetry fields:

CNSP => the consumed capactiy in mAh (calculated from current+time)
Curr => the current being measured
Watt => the current power... ( a measured voltage measured via A1/A2 as well)

== Connecting the current sensor modules to your openXvario ==

Code: Select all

     Arduino GND   --------------------- Current Sensor Module GND 
     Arduino VCC   --------------------- Current Sensor Module VCC
     Arduino A2    --------------------- Current Sensor Module OUT
== Sensor types that should work ==
the oXv expects a uni or bi-directional current sensor with a linear voltage output representing the measured current.
most current sensor should be OK for this.
the sensors i tested can be powered directly from the arduino boards GND+VCC pin for this they have to accept an input voltage of 5V

A current sensor with a linear voltage relative to the measured output can be connected to the openXvario.
This has been tested using 3 different types of ACS712 Current sensor modules that can be purchased for 2-3€ from various far east ebay sellers.
these modules are bidirectional sensors

== Configuring the openXvario code for the current Sensor ==
the following section of the source code can be modified to configure the parameters needed for the current sensor functionality

Code: Select all

/* Optional Feature Current Mesaurement                                                */
/* Uncomment the #define sendCurrent toenable this feature.                            */
#define SendCurrent  // Uncomment to enable a connected Current Sensor
#define MinCurrentMilliamps -37879    // the lowest measured current (=0v input voltage)
#define MaxCurrentMilliamps 37879     // the hioghest measured current (= input voltage= vRef)

#define ForceAbsolutCurrent  // If defined, all measured current values will be forced to be positive (e.g.:-4.5A => +4.5A)
//Here are some example values for standard ACS712 types of sensors
// Sensor Type    Min    Max     
// -5A  .. +5A   -13510  13510 
// -20A .. +20A  -25000	 25000
// -30A .. +30A  -37879	 37879

The pin to connect the signal line from the sensor module can be configured by changing this line in the config section:

Code: Select all

#define PIN_CurrentSensor   2  // the Analog pin the optional current Sensor is connected to 
the "2" is the number of the Analog input pin to be used.

== calculating the min/max values for other sensor types ==

i prepared a little spreadsheet you can use to calculate the min/max values for other sensor types.
you can download the spreadsheet here: ... nsors.xlsx

If you tested/calculated other ready available modules drop me a line and i add them to the spreadsheet

== Capacity Measuring ==

as the current implementation of the current metering & mAh calculation in openTx only works with a resolution of 100mAh, i have implemented a openXvario internal capacity calculation with a higher precision. This can be used to calculate capacities down to a mAh scale. The count of capacity will be started with 0mAh each time the oXv gets powered up. The calculated value can be transmitted in the DIST field to openTX by uncommenting the following define:

Code: Select all

#define SEND_mAhAsDist
This enables the use of real capacity monitoring in models using very small batteries like DLGs or micro planes.
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

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Re: openXvario development

Post by rainer »

i tested the current measuring a little bit further using a +-5A sensor i am planning to put into my DLG. Yes. a DLG. no engine at all. but still i would like to see the consumed capacity from the onboard lipo/lifepo. Consumed current caclulation is probably the best battery meter currently available.

I am a little bit unsatisfied with the current measuring/mAh calculation in open tx for low current consumption situations. In case you want to use these really small ACS712 sensors in a DLG, the consumed current is only being transfered in steps of 100mAh. if there is a consumption of only 90mA, this is being treated as 0.

So i did it myself and implemented a mAh calculation in openXvario. Its much more precise as it is calculating with the real data in the available precision.
You can make this internal calculated mAh count visible by enabling the transmission to the DIST field via the "SendmAhAsDist". it will be in the next release of the code.
edit: beware, the value hast not yet been tested to its correct content... so for now: just for testing.
edit2: the new code has been checked in.

Additionally i opened an enhancment request for openTx to add a possibility to transfer the current in a higher resolution or to imlement a direct temeletry write access to the CNSP field. if we have a current measuring device here... lets try to make it better than the available solutions.

This would enable a real use of these small current sensors in park flyer, micro planes, DLGs and so on.
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Re: openXvario development

Post by jhsa »

Internal combustion powered planes. In some the servos can drain quite a bit of current.
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Re: openXvario development

Post by rainer »

:D you like big and loud planes, don't you?

if you remove the terminals from the 5,20 or 30A ACS712 boards you get a real small board. even smaller and lighter than the oXv itself. so why not put it on all those planes that normally do not have a current sensor installed. any kind of non or small electric engine powered plane would profit from the added security.
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Re: openXvario development

Post by jhsa »

Is it that obvious? :mrgreen:

I've been thinking (very rare, as it happens when it doesn't rain and there is no wind, so. here in Germany, only a couple days a year :mrgreen: ), you are using bidirectional sensors. I guess that the resolution drops to half of what you would get with an unidirectional sensor.. Maybe a unidirectional sensor would give you about 50mA resolution then?

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Re: openXvario development

Post by rainer »

no, the sensor resolution is not the problem here. its the way that the data transmission in the protocoll takes place. it only transfers in "deci Ampere"
so ampere multplied by 10 without any decimal fraction.
so in real life: 1234mA are 1.234A, but the protocoll only has place to transfer the 1.2A (actually transfered as "12")
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Re: openXvario development

Post by jhsa »

ubderstood ;)
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Re: openXvario development

Post by rainer »

I Just did another test with the capacity counting in a low current situation.
test setup was generating a current between 100 and 200mA
the current sensor was a ACS712 +-5A connected to my oXv
the new function to calculate mAh in the oXv was active and transmits it output to the DIST field.
the test ran for 69 Minutes and at the end of the test the following was in the telemetry display:
CNSP: 120mAh
DIST: 203mAh
CURR: 0.1A

as you can see the value in CNSP is signigicantly lowe than te value in the DIST field. When recharging the battery, it took 229 mAh which matches quite good the consumed capacity of 203mAh.
So using these cheap sensors we now have a solution to equip low current models with capacity measurment.

I hope that someday when the taranis is released and the openTX devs have some time to breath again ;-) we get a method of directly writing to the correct telemetry field, but till then we'll have to live with the "misused" DIST field (unless i find another way to transmit the data)
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by jhsa »

A openXvario menu would be ideal.
Just my 2c of course..

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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by ReSt »

If not possible due to space limitations, may be for the M128's

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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

i would always prefer a solution that works for all modells of the 9x. the more potential target transmitters there are out there, the more we can achieve by the work going into all these open projects.

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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by MikeB »

Has anyone tried this on er9x/ersky9x? I know I haven't got the vario sounds sorted yet, but if this uses FrSky's telemetry IDs, it should give the correct telemetry readings. I recently added Vspd (vertical speed) for FrSky's own new vario. I test flew FrSky's new vario, but is was so windy and bumpy It wasn't a very good test. I did have voice output telling me height and vertical speed but the glider was bouncing around so much it didn't tell me too much.

I'll try to get one of these built over the next few weeks, need to get all the parts together first.

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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by jhsa »

you won't regret Mike ;)
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

Hi Mike,
yes the current metering uses the standard FRSky ID of the FAS sensors. (0X28).
if the optional mAh metering should be used ,that value is being written to the DIST field using ID 0x3C, which is probably not a standard field. But i can create some additional optional define statements to write it to any other field if required. ( there are just not really a lot of real usable fields with a good numeric resolution... frsky did choose some strange ways of transmitting numeric values .... ;-) )

i don't have the new FRSKy vario, but as far as i heard the results of the oXv has been better in a direct comparison.

I haven't tested it on er9x/ersky9x as i only have one TX which is on openTX right now. So is there anybody around who would like to test it on er9x/ersky9x?

i would be happy to change the code to reach a better compatibility.

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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by jhsa »

I can, but only bench test at the moment.. As my glider had a little disagreement with lady gravity.. she won ;) :mrgreen:
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

yes... gravity is a bitch sometimes... ;-)

but if you could do some tests on er9x that would be great. No need to test it in the air... we would just need to know first if all the telemetry field that the oXv can transmit will be received the same way as in openTX. so it would involve going through the config section and test each of the SendXXasYY define statements... ( each field once, not every possible combination ;-) ) ...
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by jhsa »

There's only one little problem.. How do you blink a LED?? :mrgreen:

I know nothing about what has to be changed :o
Hmmm still have to check if the vario suvived as it was in the nose of the plane and they have the bad habit of crashing nose first :)
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

I'll assist... no worries ;-)
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by jhsa »

brilliant.. thanks. ;) :)
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

I found the ACS713ELCTR-30A-T on ebay for a little bit more than 3€ + shipping. Its very similar to the ACS712 used in the modules i used so far. The main difference is that it is only usable to measure DC currents. (the ACS712 was for ACDC \w/)
Now to the good things:
  • it is pin compatible
  • it is unidirectional with ranges of 20A and 30A.
  • the most interesting part: it has a resolution of 133mv/a for the 30A and 185mv/A for the 20A (the ACS712 only offers 185mv/a for the +-5A type)
i ordered 2 of the 30A chips and will try to change the chip of one of the cheap modules to get the higher resolution.
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

One tip for the chinese ACS-712 modules:
The modules i bought from various chinese ebay sellers all came without a filter capacitor installed. The datasheet documents the possibility to add a filter capacitor to the circuit. I manually soldered a small 47nF SMD capacitor directly on the 2 pins GND and Filter of the ACS712 on my 5A board. This greatly reduces noise and therefore increases the precision of the sensor. So my recommendations is to install this capacitor!

Here's a pic showing where to install it:

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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by Flaps 30 »

What is the type number of the 47nF capacitor that will fit between the pins of the chip?

As much as I would love to use current as a means of measuring remaining capacity. I would run out (one one flight) before the battery does. So unless I could save the used amount to carry forward to the next flight it wouldn't be of much use to me. Up until now I have found battery voltage to be accurate enough for flying powered gliders as you can rest the battery before taking a look at the voltage.
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

Flaps 30 wrote:What is the type number of the 47nF capacitor that will fit between the pins of the chip?
ok... that was more of an illustration. My capacitor is slightly bigger and uses a bit more space than the 2 pins. I am using the 0805 types i had here from an assortment i bought from ebay.

Flaps 30 wrote:As much as I would love to use current as a means of measuring remaining capacity. I would run out (one one flight) before the battery does. So unless I could save the used amount to carry forward to the next flight it wouldn't be of much use to me.
Guess what i've implemented last week :D
I added persistent storage to the oXv. Consumed mAh is being calculated in the arduino and together with some other data being stored every 10 seconds to the eeprom. When you turn off the plane to take a break, you can later continue at the last counted mAh count. The mAh count can be displayed in the DIST or the FUEL field. If you use the FUEL field, you can even put a Max mAh count in the configuration ang you will get a percentage level of how full the battery is.
In order to reset the consumed capacity, there is a small button on the oXv you have to press for a couple of seconds.

for openTX i entered an enhancment request to get a possibility to write to the CNSP Field.

The persistent storage is not yet released, but allready in the next Major version of the code. I am currently doing a rewrite of a lot of functions, so there is still some more work required before release. but there will be some more enhancments to it.

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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by Flaps 30 »

Caps ordered. Yes there is plenty of space to put the capacitor on that is part of the ground plane. Just some fiddly soldering with a bit of fine wire to get to pin 6 from the capacitor.
rainer wrote:
Flaps 30 wrote:In order to reset the consumed capacity, there is a small button on the oXv you have to press for a couple of seconds..
Is that another button apart from the reset one? I would have thought some form of rain dance (that is performed by moving a stick) much like the setting of the Kalman filter might be in order here, that would reset the capacity (mAh) to zero. ;)
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

Flaps 30 wrote:Caps ordered. Yes there is plenty of space to put the capacitor on that is part of the ground plane. Just some fiddly soldering with a bit of fine wire to get to pin 6 from the capacitor.
you can fit the 0805 directly on the GND+filter pin of the acs712. So no wires needed
Flaps 30 wrote:
rainer wrote:
Flaps 30 wrote:In order to reset the consumed capacity, there is a small button on the oXv you have to press for a couple of seconds..
Is that another button apart from the reset one? I would have thought some form of rain dance (that is performed by moving a stick) much like the setting of the Kalman filter might be in order here, that would reset the capacity (mAh) to zero. ;)
yes i added a small button to the oXv... you can put it directly on the oXv board or via some cables anywhere you want on your model.

and the new rain dance consists of the following steps:

Press the button <3 Seconds: "After FLight Reset" => Reset of min/max data ( absolut + relative Alit, current, climbRate,.....)
Press the button >3,<5 Seconds: "Battery Change Reset" =>Reset of consumed mAh (transfered as DIST and/or FUEL)

The times might still change. not all of the data mentioned in the 3 seconds reset is being transmitted to the openTx, but i am trying to take control over the min/max altitude, and Max Current fields. For the others there is currently no way to overwrite the fields in openTX
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by Flaps 30 »

Oooooooh! That is some dance!

How about saying <3 seconds=Short press and release.

>3,<5 Seconds - Replaced by two short presses less than two seconds apart for reset battery/battery change.

Mind you. I am no fan of switches. I would prefer to use a servo connector with a shorting link or something like that. Might give this more thought.
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by SupraGo »

In your spreadsheet you have "MinCurrentMilliamps" as the header for 4 different columns. Is that correct or a typo?
Just curious.
This project started out as something "relatively" simple, and has grown exponentially since then. Do you have some more surprises waiting?
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by rainer »

no typo.. fixed ;-)
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Re: openXvario+C Current Sensor Support

Post by Flaps 30 »

rainer wrote:you can fit the 0805 directly on the GND+filter pin of the acs712. So no wires needed
Capacitor fitted. Some of the coating on the ground plane was removed to fit the capacitor.
New capacitor between pins 5&amp;6
New capacitor between pins 5&6

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