Horus X10... bricked...

openTx has introduced a range of new features, ideas and bling. It is fast becoming the firmware of choice for many users. openTx will run on ALL current hardware platforms, including the gruvin9x and sky9x boards. Work has already started to support the new FrSky X9D radio!
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Horus X10... bricked...

Post by dlm3 »


My brand new Horus X10S arrived today in perfect condition. The sticks were smooth and responsive, the switches all worked well, and the interface for navigating the display was excellent. Totally pleased with it... except...

What I needed it for today was to hook up to a computer sim to go fly a quad. Nothing in the documentation from FrSky suggested it allowed this, and the sim couldn't see the radio when it was plugged in (in USB storage device mode).

Just to be certain, I flashed the firmware to the latest version of FrOS - no joy, still no simulator interface.

Following the instructions in the OpenTX Companion documentation, I attempted to flash the latest version of OpenTX onto it because it appears to provide that functionality.

If the OpenTX Companion doc editors are reading this, that paragraph describing how you flash the firmware lacks some very important information. You turn OFF the transmitter to access the bootloader - the instructions only tell you to turn it off, which makes no sense without this piece of information. More importantly, it needs is a very unambiguous warning to impatient people: "This will take some time. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES UNPLUG YOUR RADIO UNTIL IT FINISHES."

So of course I unplugged it because it appeared to be hung up.

Now it is totally unresponsive, can't be seen on any USB detection tool I have for MacOS or Windows, and I'm looking at what it will take to have it repaired.

Is there anything that can be done to restore the bootloader short of sending it in for repair?


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Re: Horus X10... bricked...

Post by MikeB »

The DFU bootloader is in ROM in the processor and should always work. With the radio powered off, connect the USB to the computer, you should get a DFU device appearing on the computer.

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Re: Horus X10... bricked...

Post by dlm3 »

MikeB - Thanks! I discovered this morning (after a few hours of sleep) that pressing the reset button resolved the problem of being unable to see the bootloader. I attempted to flash it again but ran into a different problem (Firmware incompatible fault), but that one I can see how to fix and will try again this evening.

Much appreciate the help!
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Re: Horus X10... bricked...

Post by thebriars0 »

Don't know which set of documentation you are referring to, but the set I have posted in this very topic is correct and clearly states the radio should be switched off:

http://openrcforums.com/forum/download/ ... w&id=17371

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