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Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:20 pm
by xavtronic

It is a very good job this OpenXSensor!

Just a question about the hardware support, do you plan to support the module "IMU 10DOF - MPU6050 gyro & accelerometer + HMC5883 magnetometer + MS5611 altimeter" (12$) , because it's almost the same price as a MS5611 alone and you have the IMU6050 too.

I don't know if it's possible to use it (IMU 10DOF) with the new OpenXSensor code as is (and te right configuration with IMU60501 + MS5611) or if the HMC5883 magnetometer will interfere on the I2C bus.

Thank you for your help.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:52 pm
by mstrens
The latest version of oXs support a GY-86 board (it combines MS5611+ 6050 + 5883).
If you use this board you do not need another MS5611 board. OxS reads the MS5611 and the 6050 from the gy-86 with the same I2C.
With this board, oXs can provide accelerations, pitch and roll and the vario reacts faster (about 0.4 sec)

Still, oXs (currently) does not read the 5883 (compas) and so does not provide the yaw.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:48 pm
by xavtronic

Nice! I must buy on GY-86 ASAP


Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:27 am
by kalle123
Hello mstrens.

Just a simple question about voltage calibration. Is it possible to do that under the MPX protocol?

In oXs_config_description.h ver.7.0 I find for MPX

* Here the list of oXs measurements that can be sent
* Code to be used Meaning
* TEST_1 Value used for test
* TEST_2 Value used for test
* TEST_3 Value used for test

and what would the line herein be?

* 3 , REL_ALTIMETER , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383,\
* 6 , VERTICAL_SPEED , 1 , 1 , -500 , 500

Those lines at the moment looks like that here

// ***** 9.3 - Multiplex data *****
2 , VOLT_1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 , \
3 , CURRENTMA , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383

Would like to do a voltage and current calibration ....

Or is voltage calibration only possible under FrSky protocol?

br KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:55 pm
by mstrens
You can do calibration in Multiplex protocol.
First you should use a set up that allows you to get the raw values.
You can use something like (assuming you have 3 voltages to measure + one current consumption)
2 , VOLT_1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 , \
3 , VOLT_2 , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 , \
4 , VOLT_3 , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383 , \
5 , CURRENTMA , 1 , 1 , 0 , -16384 , 16383

For voltage calibration:
You can then connect different batteries (empty, full, mid loaded) or apply different voltages with a variable power supply.
For each battery you connect, take note of values available on the Tx and those provided by a multimeter (for e.g. VOLT_1, VOLT_2, VOLT_3)
If e.g. for VOLT_2, the 2 values (read on TX and measured with multimeter) are quite different, you can adjust the SCALE_VOLTAGE and/or OFFSET_VOLTAGE parameters.
Once those parameters are ok (and so you have acceptable values on Tx), calibration is done and so other voltages that oXs could calculate (like CELL_1, CELL_2, CELL_MIN, ...) should be OK.
For voltages, there is normally no need to modify the multiplier, divider, offset in the line SETUP_MULTIPLEX_DATA_TO_SEND.

For current calibration, you should adjust the 2 parameters
#define MVOLT_AT_ZERO_AMP 600
#define MVOLT_PER_AMP 60

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:30 pm
by kalle123
Thank you Michel.
Busy at the moment with the MLink to FrSky telemetry converter.
Will test later according to your advice and report back here ....

br KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:38 pm
by kalle123
Understood and working. Had to admit, about voltage and current I did not use that in oXs. "Only" oXs vario for FrSky and MPX.
Was still on version 2.x with calculation those 1023 steps for calibration. Sorry.

But let me ask a second question.

In the MULTIPLEX-Sensor-Bus manual there is that table of values to be transmitted.
and in oXs_config_description.h I find that table

Code: Select all

* Here the list of oXs measurements that can be sent
*    Code to be used                       Meaning 
*    ALTIMETER           m      Absolute altitude (from first baro sensor)
*    REL_ALTIMETER       m      Relative altitude (from first baro sensor)  
*    ALTIMETER_MAX       m      Max relative altitude
*    VERTICAL_SPEED     cm/s    Main vertical speed (as set up in VSPEED_SOURCE)
*    SENSITIVITY        none    Vario sensitivity 
*    VOLT_1            0.1V(5)     Value read on first PIN_VOLTAGE     
*    VOLT_2            0.1V(5)     Value read on 2d PIN_VOLTAGE        
*    VOLT_3            0.1V(5)     Value read on 3d PIN_VOLTAGE        
*    VOLT_4            0.1V(5)     Value read on 4th PIN_VOLTAGE       
*    VOLT_5            0.1V(5)     Value read on 5th PIN_VOLTAGE       
*    VOLT_6            0.1V(5)     Value read on 6th PIN_VOLTAGE       
*    CURRENTMA         0.1A        MilliAmp measured by current sensor  
*    MILLIAH           mAh        Consumed milli Amp heure             
*    RPM              Hz         Rotation per min                     
*    AIR_SPEED        0.1 km/h   Air speed   
*    CELL_1             0.1V(5)    Value based on first PIN_VOLTAGE         
*    CELL_2             0.1V(5)    Value based on first and 2d PIN_VOLTAGE  
*    CELL_3             0.1V(5)    Value based on 2d and 3d PIN_VOLTAGE     
*    CELL_4             0.1V(5)    Value based on 3d and 4th PIN_VOLTAGE    
*    CELL_5             0.1V(5)    Value based on 4th and 5th PIN_VOLTAGE   
*    CELL_6             0.1V(5)    Value based on 5th and 6th PIN_VOLTAGE   
*    CELL_MIN           0.1V(5)    Value based on CELL_1 ... CELL_6         
*    CELL_TOT           0.1V(5)    Value based on VOLT1...VOLT6             
*    PPM                         Value set by Tx to control some functions (sensitivity, ...) (range is normally -100 / +100)
*    GPS_COURSE        0.1 deg   Orientation of plane       
*    GPS_SPEED         0.1 km/h  Ground speed (2D or 3D)       
*    GPS_ALTITUDE      m         Absolute Altitude       
*    GPS_DISTANCE      0.1 m     Distance from home
*    GPS_BEARING       0.1 deg   Direction from home  
*    TEST_1                      Value used for test
*    TEST_2                      Value used for test
*    TEST_3                      Value used for test
Where do those TEST_X value go in MPX classes?

br KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:03 pm
by kalle123
Tried to add MPX classes to that list in oXs_config_description.h

Code: Select all

    Code to be used                       Meaning 								MPX sensor class			
*    ALTIMETER           m      Absolute altitude (from first baro sensor)			  8
*    REL_ALTIMETER       m      Relative altitude (from first baro sensor)  			8
*    ALTIMETER_MAX       m      Max relative altitude										  8
*    VERTICAL_SPEED     cm/s    Main vertical speed (as set up in VSPEED_SOURCE)	  3
*    SENSITIVITY        none    Vario sensitivity 											  X
*    VOLT_1            0.1V(5)     Value read on first PIN_VOLTAGE   					 1  
*    VOLT_2            0.1V(5)     Value read on 2d PIN_VOLTAGE        			     1
*    VOLT_3            0.1V(5)     Value read on 3d PIN_VOLTAGE        			     1
*    VOLT_4            0.1V(5)     Value read on 4th PIN_VOLTAGE       			     1
*    VOLT_5            0.1V(5)     Value read on 5th PIN_VOLTAGE       			     1
*    VOLT_6            0.1V(5)     Value read on 6th PIN_VOLTAGE      					1 
*    CURRENTMA         0.1A        MilliAmp measured by current sensor  		       2
*    MILLIAH           mAh        Consumed milli Amp heure         						11    
*    RPM              Hz         Rotation per min      									   5               
*    AIR_SPEED        0.1 km/h   Air speed   												    4
*    CELL_1             0.1V(5)    Value based on first PIN_VOLTAGE         				1
*    CELL_2             0.1V(5)    Value based on first and 2d PIN_VOLTAGE  				1
*    CELL_3             0.1V(5)    Value based on 2d and 3d PIN_VOLTAGE     				1
*    CELL_4             0.1V(5)    Value based on 3d and 4th PIN_VOLTAGE    				1
*    CELL_5             0.1V(5)    Value based on 4th and 5th PIN_VOLTAGE   				1
*    CELL_6             0.1V(5)    Value based on 5th and 6th PIN_VOLTAGE   				1
*    CELL_MIN           0.1V(5)    Value based on CELL_1 ... CELL_6         				1
*    CELL_TOT           0.1V(5)    Value based on VOLT1...VOLT6             				1
*    PPM     Value set by Tx to control some functions (sensitivity, ...) (range is normally -100 / +100)	X
*    GPS_COURSE        0.1 deg   Orientation of plane       							7
*    GPS_SPEED         0.1 km/h  Ground speed (2D or 3D)      						 4 
*    GPS_ALTITUDE      m         Absolute Altitude       								8
*    GPS_DISTANCE      0.1 m     Distance from home									   8/13		
*    GPS_BEARING       0.1 deg   Direction from home  							      7
*    TEST_1                      Value used for test									  X
*    TEST_2                      Value used for test									  X
*    TEST_3                      Value used for test									  X
Hope, I got it right.
6 Temperature
8 Tank level
12 Fluid don't show up

X Not clear to me

GPS Distance class 8 or 13?

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:45 am
by mstrens
The different fields that can be sent and their units (class) are defined in the file oXs_OUT_multiplex.h in those lines.

Code: Select all

//list of all telemetry units supported by Multiplex protocol
#define MU_ALT     0x08  // 1m       (-500 2000)
#define MU_VSPD    0x03  // 0,1 m/s (-500 500) 
#define MU_CURR    0x02  // 0,1 A   (-1000 1000)
#define MU_VOLT    0x01  // 0,1 V   (-600 600)
#define MU_TEMP    0x06  // 0,1 C   (-250 7000)
#define MU_RPM     0x05  // 100t/m?? ou 10t/min
#define MU_MAH     0x0B  // 1mAh    (-16000 16000)
#define MU_ASPD    0x04  // 0,1km/h (0-6000)
#define MU_LEVEL   0x09  // 1%      (0-100)
#define MU_DIR     0x07  // 0,1 degrés  (0 3600)
#define MU_LIQUID  0x0C  // 1ml      (0-16000)
#define MU_DIST    0x0D  // 0,1 km   (0-16000)
// End of list of all telemetry units supported by Multiplex protocol  

                        MU_VOLT , MU_CURR , MU_MAH , MU_DIR , MU_ASPD , MU_ALT , MU_RPM , MU_DIST , MU_DIR ,  MU_LEVEL ,\
                        MU_ALT , MU_ASPD , MU_VSPD , MU_LEVEL , MU_LEVEL , MU_VSPD , MU_LEVEL , MU_LEVEL , MU_LEVEL , MU_VSPD , \
                        MU_ALT , MU_ALT , MU_VOLT , MU_VOLT , MU_VOLT , MU_VOLT , MU_VOLT , MU_VOLT , MU_VOLT , MU_VOLT , \

//  This is the list of codes for each available measurements
#define ALTIMETER       1        
#define VERTICAL_SPEED  2        
#define SENSITIVITY     3        
#define ALT_OVER_10_SEC 4        // DEFAULTFIELD can NOT be used ; this is the difference of altitude over the last 10 sec (kind of averaging vertical speed)

#define VOLT_1           5        
#define VOLT_2           6        
#define VOLT_3           7        
#define VOLT_4           8        
#define VOLT_5           9        
#define VOLT_6           10       
#define CURRENTMA       11        
#define MILLIAH         12        
#define GPS_COURSE       13       
#define GPS_SPEED        14       
#define GPS_ALTITUDE     15       
#define RPM             16        
#define GPS_DISTANCE       17     
#define GPS_BEARING        18     
#define SENSITIVITY_2      19     
#define ALT_OVER_10_SEC_2  20      
#define AIR_SPEED          21      
#define PPM_VSPEED         23       
#define PPM                24       
#define PRANDTL_DTE        25       
#define TEST_1              26      
#define TEST_2             27       
#define TEST_3             28       
#define VERTICAL_SPEED_A  29
#define REL_ALTIMETER     30
#define REL_ALTIMETER_2   31
#define CELL_1            32
#define CELL_2            33
#define CELL_3            34
#define CELL_4            35
#define CELL_5            36
#define CELL_6            37
#define CELL_MIN          38
#define CELL_TOT          39
#define ALTIMETER_MAX     40

Units are coded by the lines #define MU_xxx.
#define MULTIPLEX_UNITS keeps the units to be used for each telemetry field. Units are put in sequence based on the ID given to each telemetry field. The ID of the telemetry fields are given by the last #define.
E.g. TEST_1 has an ID = 26 (decimal).
In #define MULTIPLEX_UNITS, I put 10 values per line, first item on line being 0, 10, 20, 30, 40.
So for TEST_1, the unit is MU_LEVEL(="%").
Note: TEST_1, ... TEST_3 can be used to transmit any kind of data (depending on user choice). So it was not possible to select "one" right unit and so, I used "%". You can easily change it if required.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:59 pm
by kalle123
That make things clear ;)

Thx - KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:10 pm
by kalle123

Pardon me for coming up with some minor issues. ;)

Received a GY-86 from AliExpress yesterday and did a fast test with multiwii to reassure the GY-86 is ok,

Today found time to test Arduino uno + GY-86 on oXs v7.0

Two issues (in my opinion) showed up.

- #define VSPEED_SOURCE BARO_AND_IMU has to be uncommented. Please add this to next oXs_config_description.h
Got a message in arduino ide. But not everyone is able to read those messages and act .....

- found it very difficult to catch the acc values in terminal.
The terminal is literally flooded with zeros. Took a dozen tries, to get that pic here. :roll:
br KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:31 am
by mstrens
Thanks for comments.

In oXs_config.description.h, there is already some explanation:

Code: Select all

*   One of the calculated measurement is named "main vertical speed". 
*   Depending on content of line #define VSPEED_SOURCE, it is calculated based on 
*      - first baro sensor
*      - second baro sensor
*      - average of both baro sensors
*      - first baro with compensation from airspeed (= dtE)
*      - first baro + IMU (accelerometer+ gyro)
*      - primary or secondary vertical speed selected by PPM 
*    ex:  

Now, I added this text in section 4.1 (vario)

Code: Select all

*     Note: when a vario is used (#define VARIO being uncommented) , you have to specify (in section 9) how the "main vertical speed" has to be calculated

About getting a lot of "0" when debug is activated, I probably forgot to put as comment a line #define DEBUGxxxxxxx.
I checked the code and put all those lines as comment. I hope it solves your issue.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:37 am
by kalle123
Thank you for looking into it.

#define VSPEED_SOURCE BARO_AND_IMU was only a minor thing, but just tested and I have to say, the "0" thing is still on.
Could you please have another look. If I can give a hand, don't hesitate to ask ...

There is one line #define DEBUB in config.h, which is NOT commented

Code: Select all

#if defined( DISPLAY_ACC_OFFSET ) && defined( USE_6050 )
  #define DEBUG   <--------------------------------------------------------------------------
but when I comment that line out, no output in terminal, because that initiates the ACC value printout.
But no idea, where all those zeros are coming from

br KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 5:47 pm
by mstrens
I think I found the line of code that generates all the "0".
I put the new version on github

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:45 pm
by kalle123
That did it! (Wiring done with test clips only.)
What really puzzles me is, am I the first one here to test your incorporation of the GY-86 IMU??
Or is nobody doing a calibration of the IMU?

Have a nice evening and thank you for your outstanding work and the support.

br KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:29 pm
by mstrens
I expect that not many people use the GY86 (or at least calibrate the Acc offsets).
Still, I think it is a good option because it is not much expensive that a MS5611 alone and it can improve the reaction time of the vario.
It could even be that it would be possivle to use Accx to calculate a compensated vario without having to use a pitot (or a TEK) probe.

I would need some fly logs with airspeed, vertical speed and AccX to see if it makes sense.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:01 pm
by kalle123
It was a a sunny early spring day today today, but too windy for what I fly. And I don't have an air speed probe. So at the moment, I can not be of great help with that.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:13 pm
by mstrens
Thanks but is not a real probllem..
In fact I hope that when the weather will be good, another member (Carbo) can perform some tests. He has the airspeed and the GY86.
He is really interested getting a compensated vario without an additional probe so I will soon contact him.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:31 pm
by kalle123
I know. I did send him a pm about the GY-86. Wonder, that he did not come up with the "zero" issue. But maybe he is busy elsewhere ....

br KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:23 am
by jhsa
The GY-86 is the ACC module, right?? I think I have a couple. Will try to put a glider together for the summer and build a oXs for it..


Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:29 am
by nigelsheffield
Yes gy86 has the ms5611 too..

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:38 am
by kalle123
jhsa wrote:The GY-86 is the ACC module, right?? I think I have a couple. Will try to put a glider together for the summer and build a oXs for it..

Summer? We still have winter :roll:
And besides, mstrens asked for "I would need some fly logs with airspeed, vertical speed and AccX to see if it makes sense."
cu KH

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:43 am
by jhsa
well, the only one I couldn't provide is airspeed because I don't have the sensor.
Is this not the ACC module that compensates the vario by measuring the angle of attack?
I have a couple 6050's, or are there different versions? Not sure if mine have the ms5611

Will have to check all this ;)


EDIT: I said I have to prepare it for summer. ;) Still have some other unfinished projects to finish before that.. ;)
It is still a bit cold for me at the moment :)

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:48 am
by mstrens
GY86 combines 3 sensors on the PCB (including a 6050 and a MS5611).
It costs less than 10 € on aliexpress.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:48 am
by nigelsheffield
Gy521 is probably what you have, it has gyro ACC but no ms5611, but you can just add it to a gy63 to give same result.
We talked about using the angle of attack to compensate for vario but not implimented it yet, ATM the IMU just speeds up the response time any gives yaw pitch roll.

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:22 am
by jhsa
ok thanks, then I have both anyway.
I thought the main reason for using the ACC was to compensate the vario..
Maybe I have misread it ;)

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:57 pm
by nigelsheffield
Would defo be pos to compensate the various now though, we have yaw and pitch....

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:15 pm
by kalle123
nigelsheffield wrote:Would defo be pos to compensate the various now though, we have yaw and pitch....
??? WHAT does THAT mean?

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:03 pm
by jhsa
Translation ;) It would definitely be possible to compensate the vario now, we have yaw and pitch.. :D

Re: OpenXSensor project page on google code

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:03 pm
by nigelsheffield
Vario not various , I just mean we have pitch which could be used to some extent to compensate the vario tones, ie if nose pitch goes up and v.speed goes up then it's not real lift its just stick thermal... But if pitch stays the same and v.speed goes up its really lift...
But to decipher the info properly may not be quite so simple, though pitch generally will be linked to speed...