slow down function not as expected

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slow down function not as expected

Post by kaos »

This is odd to me. when I program a variable flaperon and set the P3 as adjustable switch. the slow down function only slow down when you turn the pot. but once you set the flap with P3, the flap will go straight to the adjusted point when you flip the flaperon switch, not a slow down. If you use a fixed number and use slow down, the flap will go down slowly.
This does not seems right.

ch1 100% AIL
+ 100% P3 ID0 S
in this case only when you turn the pot, the flap goes to the position slowly. but once set flip the ID0,1 the flap will snap to position

compare to
ch1 100% AIL
+ 40% MAX ID0 S
in this case , when flipping the ID0,1, the flap will go down slowly to 40%

It would be nice to have ajustable flap and once set, it is still a slow down flap. Any idea?
firmware: r646

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Re: slow down function not as expected

Post by MikeB »

I know the slow operation does seem a bit odd. The slow action applies just to the mix line it is on, not to the channel it is part of. This makes sense as you don't want to slow the ailerons down, just the flaps operation.
The problem you have is the slow action takes place as long as the mix is enabled. So while the mix is off (ID1 off in your case), the position defined by the mix doesn't change. As soon as you switch the mix on, its current position is combined with the channel it is assigned to.
Try the following in eepe, it is easier to see what is happening.
So you start with the mix off, move P3 to one end. The mix value is still 0 as it has not been turned on yet.
Now you turn the mix on (ID1). The mix position moves, slowly, to the P3 position. This slowly moving value is added to the aileron output.
Now turn the mix off. It is still at the P3 position, but as it is disabled it is not added to the aileron position, so the aileron jumps back to just the aileron setting.
Turn the mix on again, and its position is immediately added to the aileron position. The mix value hasn't changed, it is still at the P3 setting, so there is no slow action.
Turn the mix off, aileron back to normal.
Move P3 to the other extreme, nothing changes because the mix is off.
Now turn the mix on. Its value is added to the aileron, so the aileron jumps to a new position, but the mix is nor active, so slowly moves to its new setting, the aileron moves with it.
OK, that's what happens, now the fix.
There are two special cases with the slow operaiotn, they are when the input is MAX or FULL. In these cases the slow operation always occurs when you switch them on and off. Try:
CH10 +100 MAX (switch:ID1) slow(U2D2), (I see you have done this)
When you switch ID1 on and off, then channel 10 moves slowly form 0 to +100 or slowly back.
Now you have a mix combine condition, you choose ADD, MULTIPLY or REPLACE.
Try the following:
CH01: +100% P3
CH01: *100% MAX ID1 slow(u2d2), (MULTIPLY)
CH01: +100% AIL
First you choose the amount of flap using P3.
Then you scale it using a slow change controlled by ID1. ID1 off ->slowly move to no flap, ID1 on ->slowly move to P3 position.
Finally add in the aileron itself. This is done last as you do NOT want the aileron movement scaled.

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Re: slow down function not as expected

Post by kaos »

Thx, Mike
I will give it try. I did not know the sequence makes a difference in the same ch. Lesson learned. :)

read your post again. now it makes perfect sense. Don't have the Tx beside me now. I am sure what you said will work. Thx again
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Re: slow down function not as expected

Post by kaos »


Just checked on the real thing. that works perfect. You may want to add that to the program library/template. That is what a flap should be doing - slowly down. Now it is adjustable. :)


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